Followed To Hell

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Izuku had plans tonight, but he could spare an hour or two. Izuku pulled up the link to the website on a computer at the local library. Not wanting his ip to be tracked. Izuku made a dummy account: 'HellRaiser101'.

Izuku scrolled through the forms page. His coworker was right. There were posts that showed things like new articles and even some eye witness accounts. He knew who was lying about seeing him and who hadn't.

Izuku didn't care about witnesses, as long as they didn't realize who he was. After all, these people weren't his targets, they weren't corrupt, they were people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Izuku wasn't heartless, despite what the media, police, and HPSC would like to make every believe.

It seemed as though most of the people on this form understood this. One poster, he remembered them from the first hand account they told- it was when he killed a hero, who'd taken bribes from criminals and villains.

Kinerman6 -'I met him once, ya know? I saw him kill a hero, Hinekick, I think her name was. She'd been accused of taking bribes from the villains she fought because she was underpaid as a low ranking hero. It was bone chilling, I saw him stab her relentlessly. I needed like four months of therapy even now I hate the sight of blood and knives. But when he turned to face me, I muttered something about how I didn't see anything and I wouldn't say anything. His only response was "I don't care about witnesses" He gave me the number of a therapist to help me with what I saw. He really didn't care that I saw him or if I reported him. Just that I recovered mentally.'

Izuku decided to leave a comment, to reassure him he was safe-

HellRaiser101 - 'That was nice of a murderer to do. But I guess if he wanted you dead, you wouldn't have been allowed to type this and live to tell the tale?'

Izuku closed the computer. He picked up his backpack, which he brought so he could change into his 'costume'. Not that it was one really, just an outfit he put together to hide his identity. He had a mission to complete, he didn't need to be caught before he finished.

Izuku hid in an abandoned apartment building across the street from the library, to change. Once he was changed, Izuku carried the bag over to the dumpster. He knew trash day was the next day. His clothes would be gone, before anyone found his next kill.

Speaking of which, Izuku had a... personal... score to settle tonight. He heard that his old bully, Katsuki Bakugou had been named the number 1 for another year at the UA sports festival. Katsuki's first year was hectic.

Villain attacks, his own kidnapping, terrible media attention, and a whole war ark. Izuku had managed to stay out of that whole situation. Hell, it actually gave him a perfect cover for the first year and a half of his own crimes.

The crime rate was so high, no one realized 'The Angel Of Death' even started. Izuku couldn't believe that after everything that happened, Katsuki was STILL in the hero course. When the war ended, Izuku had sent an anonymous tip to UA.

He gave Nedzu video footage of Katsuki's bullying. He gave photos and links to videos his former classmates posted of Izuku's torment. Hell! He gave the video of Katsuki telling Izuku to KILL HIMSELF!? Was that not enough of a background check, combine with his anger to get Katsuki expelled?! Or at least sent to general studies!? No. All Because of him 'turning over a new leaf' as people say.

People don't change. Izuku has been in the underworld long enough to know that. UA is letting Katsuki off the hook. Not even a simple fine for suicide baiting... WHICH IS A CRIME MIGHT HE ADD!? Well, UA should have taken the hint. If UA wasn't gonna punish Katsuki, then 'Shadow' will...

Katsuki and his friends were hanging out at a cafe, near UA high. Izuku, without his mask, watched them from a table from the other side of the cafe. It wasn't uncommon for Izuku to stalk his victims to make sure he had the right person. He never wanted to make the mistake of killing an innocent person, because he didn't do his research beforehand...

Katsuki got a weird feeling and turned to look in Izuku direction. Izuku simply pretended looked down at his phone. He had his hood up so no one, not even the cameras, could see his hair. Izuku took Katsuki seemed to have a little more self control than in middle school.

But Izuku saw Katsuki still at his core was the same bully he always was. He yelled at his 'friends'. He didn't even call them by their names. Izuku saw Katsuki kiss a redheaded boy, Izuku believed his name was Kirishima, but Katsuki didn't even call him by his name, just- 'Shitty Hair'.

Izuku shook his head. He would always been Katsuki Bakugou. The blonde couldn't even call his partner by their own name, THAT spoke wonders about the kind of person he is. If someone can't treat the person they love most, with even a little bit of respect, they don't deserve that person.

Katsuki and his friends paid for their snacks and left. Izuku did the same. Before Izuku walked out the door, he put on his face mask and double checked to make sure his hood was secure. Katsuki walked with his friends, but couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, Katsuki turned a noticed someone behind him and his friends.

Instead of stopping or pretending to cross the street, Izuku kept walking even after being seen. It may look suspicious, but Izuku kept his pace, and Katsuki got guarded stopping alongside his friends, but Izuku just walked-

"What do you want?" Izuku pretended to ignore them, and bumped into Katsuki, slipping something in his pocket-

"My apologies," Izuku muttered, walking past the group. Kirishima turned to his boyfriend-

"Baku-bro? You good?" Kirishima asked, concerned clearly in his voice.

"Yeah," Katsuki muttered, looking after the hooded person, who he had no idea was Izuku. "I just thought that person was following us..."

"It's getting late," A pink-skinned girl, named Mina, shrugged. "You probably were just put off because of that. He clearly didn't mean any harm. He didn't even notice us? The poor guy's just trying to get home after a late night at work or something."

"I could have sworn I saw him at the cafe though?" Katsuki muttered.

"Maybe he was grabbing a snack before heading home for the night?" Another blonde, named Kaminari, guessed.

"Guys, we shouldn't be talking about someone we don't even know," Sero sighed. "It's rude, as heroes we shouldn't talk about people like this."

"You sound like Iida," A purple haired girl, named Jirou, snarked.

"Maybe, but he's right guys," Kirishima pointed out. "We should head back to our dorms. Or we'll be late for curfew. You know how Aizawa gets about that."

"Agreed," Everyone else, except Bakugou said. Bakugou nodded, still looking in the direction the hooded figure left. Izuku was long gone by now, but Katsuki couldn't shake that bad feeling.

Back at the dorms, Katsuki took off his hood. When the blonde threw the hood on his chair. He saw a piece of paper fall out. Katsuki walked over and picked it up, the note was typed out and printed. It read-

Katsuki Bakugou,
I know what you did to Midoriya Izuku. How you acted at Aldera Middle School. Count your days, because you don't have many left. Bullies like you, deserve death. May I list out your crimes? Discrimination towards a quirkless minor, suicide baiting, assault, battery, abuse, and because you refuse to admit to this past, cover-up of crimes. You should turn yourself in, because you can still be charged as a minor, and the Juvenile Detention Hall or jail will be the only safe place from me... If I decide they have given you a deserved punishment.
-The Angel of Death

Katsuki's blood ran cold. No way anyone could have known about that!? Nedzu said, since he needed Katsuki's quirk to help stop Shigaraki, the ratgod would make sure his past never met the light of day. 

But another thought crossed his mind- The Angel of Death was coming for him- No one EVER escaped The Angel of Death for long... Katsuki was so dead...

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