Help From Hell

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(A/N: Manga Spoilers!!!)

Kirishima noticed Katsuki was being very clingy with the BakuSquad, refusing to leave the UA ground without them or at all during the night time. Katsuki seemed to jump at the small sound. One would think, if Toga wasn't in a mental hospital, that she had taken Katsuki's place.

"Ok, what's wrong man?" Kirishima asked his boyfriend. The two had started dating just after their second year started. "You haven't been acting like yourself since we and the squad went out that night two weeks ago..."

"What? Can I fucking hang out with my fucking friends!?" Katsuki growled. Kirishima had learned that Katsuki wasn't good with expressing his emotions, and Kirishima had helped him not blow up at the slightest implication the blonde was weak.

"Ok, now I know something's up."

"How did you-" Katsuki muttered, but clearly didn't mean to say that out loud. "fuck..."

"You called us your friends, you normally call us extras. You don't slip up unless you're hiding something. Now spill, babe. You know I won't judge you."

"I... fuck... If you knew you'd leave me..."

"What? Why would I leave you? We faced a war together? And if it's a secret, I already told you about One For All, and that it allows me to activate unbreakable at pretty much anytime I want?"

"I-" Katsuki bit his lip. "I was a jackass in middle school. I- Yeah know what... Just look at this..." Katsuki handed his boyfriend the note from 'The Angel Of Death'. Kirishima froze after reading it.

"Bakugou why didn't you tell me or Aizawa about this?"

"I- I didn't want you to leave me, Kiri!"

"One, it's in the past, you've proven you've changed. And two, if the Angel of Death is after you. You should have told us! You're life is on the line, and you think I'd leave you at your worst moment?!"

"I... I just was... I- arg fuck! I didn't want you to worry or me to lose you!" Katsuki's eyes shined with tears, Katsuki would never cry in front of anyone, except Kirishima.

"Well, I am worried!" Kirishima stated. "Come on we are going to Aizawa!" Kirishima grabbed Katsuki's hand and basically dragged him to the teacher lounge. Katsuki was trying to get out of Kirishima's grip-

"Oi! Shitty Hair! I can handle this without sensei! Let me fucking go!"

"No," Kirishima said, in a commanding tone. "We are talking with sensei. I won't allow you to put your life on the line, after I nearly lost you last year when your heart exploded due to your quirk." Katsuki shuttered at the memory, as he stopped fighting Kirishima rubbing his free hand over his just where EdgeShot sewed himself into his heart and died doing so.

"SENSEI!" Kirishima said, as he opened the door to the lounge where a few of the teachers were. Katsuki just stood next to his boyfriend, rubbing his arm nervously. "KATSUKI IS IN DANGER!!!" Aizawa stood up-

"What's going on?" Aizawa demanded an answer, as he walked over to his students. Kirishima handed the note over to Aizawa, before Katsuki could protest. Aizawa's tired eyes shot open-

"The Angel Of Death is coming for him..." Aizawa would discuss the 'crimes' listed with Katsuki later, hoping they weren't true. But there was more important things, like HOW A MOTHERFUCKING MURDERER WITH A %100 SUCCESS RATE IS AFTER BAKUGOU!?

The staff all stood up and gasped, when Aizawa said that. Nedzu seemed to be the only one not phased. The rat demon stood up-

"I should have seen this coming. Tell me Bakugou, do you know anyone who could have known something I tried to hide? And would willingly challenge me on something like this?"

Katsuki thought for a moment, he was gonna say no- but then had a flashback-

"I heard your mother died in a villain attack? She was probably just as weak as you Deku!" Laughed one of Bakugou's lackeys. Bakugou didn't say anything, he was grieving the lost his aunt just as much as Izuku. Deku went from crying to downright terrifying-

"You can pick on me all you want. You can call me names, mock me for my dreams, beat me down, and tell me to kill myself-" The bully frozen at the dark tone, as the class- even the teacher- started to sweat- "But no one. I REPEAT NO ONE. TALKS BAD ABOUT MY MOTHER..."

It took three teachers to pull Izuku off of that jackass. The bully was beaten to a pulp and Izuku had barely any injuries. The principal demanded that Izuku's guardians come after school, Izuku stalked away says- "No. Fuck off." Izuku didn't come back the next day or the next week, Izuku just disappeared. It was then Katsuki saw just how much Izuku had held back against them.

"I do know of one person," Katsuki muttered. "But he's been missing for 3 years now."

"What's his name?" Asked Nedzu.

"Izuku Midoriya..."

(A/N: I know this is under 830 words, and I wanted at least 1,000. But this is a good cliffhanger, so yeah. I'm leaving this here...)

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