Safe From Hell

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(A/N: Late season 6 spoilers...)

Aizawa and Nedzu had decided to keep Bakugou on UA grounds until the Angel of Death was caught. They decided to try and track down their only lead- Midoriya Izuku. It made sense, the only people who would have had that information would have been the people who witnessed it themselves.

And the only one willing to go against Nedzu of everyone, would be someone who is either overconfident in their abilities, or someone who has nothing left to lose. From what Bakugou told them, it was likely it was the latter.

They hoped that this lead would end up being true. It had been a while since they had a new lead. Even if it was very unlikely it could even be possible. Nedzu was sitting in his office. He made sure to check UA's systems every day to make sure the Angel of Death could not and would not break into the school.

It may be overkill, but with a student's life on the line, for a third time in the past 2 years at that, Nedzu was NOT taking any chances. Nedzu heard his phone ring. The caller ID said- 'Tsukauchi Naomasa'.

"Ahh, hello Detective!" Nedzu said, calmly. "Any news on the Angel of Death case?"

"Actually yeah. That is why I called," Nedzu could hear the exhaustion in Tsukauchi's voice. "We found out from some undercover cops, that Midoriya Izuku is alive. And that the Angel of Death started his attacks just after Midoriya's disappearance. We hadn't connected them because of the war last year. Not to mention the Angel of Death has never shown signs of quirk usage and in Aizawa's last encounter with him, the Angel of Death implied he never used a quirk when he was carrying out his quote-on-quote 'Justice'. Midoriya Izuku was quirkless, he wouldn't have been able to even USE a quirk, that he didn't even have."

"Hmm, so is there anything that can be actually been used as evidence in court tying Midoriya to the Angel of Death?"

"Not yet," Tsukauchi sighed. If they were wrong about this, then all this work would be for nothing. "But he's still a suspect. We've had plain clothes officers going as regulars to a coffee shop he works at. He actually owns the shop and building Apparently, one of your students works there too."

"Which one?" Nedzu might be able to get some info out of this student about Midoriya's home life or things that could either clear him of suspicion or convict him as the Angel of Death. Hopefully, at the very least, it gave them a better chance of finding the Angel of Death, before he took anymore lives.

"Her name is Uraraka Ochako," Tsukauchi said, with a sigh. "One of the plain clothes officers was named Ensei Kya. She pretended to be a fan from this year's sports festival, that took place last week. Where Uraraka got third right next to Todoroki at second and Bakugou at first. She asked why she was working at the cafe. Uraraka claimed she was just getting some money to help pay the bills at home."

"How can you be sure of this?" Nedzu asked. The fact that Uraraka needed money and that her family could barely afford food was no secret to Nedzu, but there was always a chance there was more to the story. 

"Officer Ensei has a quirk similar to mine," Tsukauchi said. "Her quirk is called 'Forced Truth'. It's always active. It helps her know if someone is telling the truth like my quirk, but instead of telling her if someone is telling the truth or lying like my quirk does. Her quirk forces everyone to tell her the truth, when she asks them a direct question."

"I see," Nedzu continued to look over his school's security system, while he talked on the phone. "Anything else I need to know."

"We have reason to believe the Angel of Death is targeting All Might and Endeavor," Nedzu nearly dropped the phone-

"What!?" Nedzu tried to keep his composure. Sure Dabi revealed Endeavor's family life during the start of the PLF war, but Endeavor still is a powerful hero, All Might on the other hand. "Well, Endeavor makes some sense, the Angel of Death is known for killing heroes he deems 'corrupt'. But why All Might?"

"We're not quite sure, but Aizawa was able to gain the info of the Angel of Death targeting these two from one of his informants last night. It's important to inform Endeavor and Toshinori about this."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE IN DANGER!?" Endeavor shouted, in a bit of a panicked tone. Endeavor had gotten used to showing emotions besides anger after the war and Dabi's identity being revealed. He and All Might had been called to UA. They had just been told a powerful villain was after them.

"I mean," Nedzu stated, calmly. "The Angel of Death is coming for you."

"Why us?" Toshinori asked. He could take a wild guess for Endeavor, but he, himself, didn't make any sense.

"We have reason to believe he is targeting Endeavor due to the secrets revealed by Dabi last year," Tsukauchi said, as the other three in the room turned to him. "As for Toshinori, we don't have a solid reason as to why the Angel of Death would target you."

"We called you both here to warn you and to ask you, Toshinori, have you possibly done anything that could anger the Angel of Death."

"How could I have angered someone I haven't even met?"

"Have you already forgotten Shigaraki Tomura?" Nedzu questioned the former pro hero.

"Fairpoint," Toshinori sighed. "But still... Do you have any leads or suspects for who the Angel of Death might be?"

"We have a few," Tsukauchi said, pulling out a few files. Most were just random civilians with quirks they assumed the Angel of Death possessed. But one file made Toshinori's blood run cold. "This is Midoriya Izuku. He is the most likely suspect."

"Uhm... Tsukauchi?"

"Yes, Toshinori?"

"Is M-Midoriya Izuku q-quirkless perhaps?"

"Actually yeah? How'd you know?"

"I think I know why the Angel of Death is targeting me..."

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