Adult Rationale

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I hid the toy under the bed when I got back to the apartment, opting to open a bottle of wine instead. My rambling thoughts from this morning had begun to take a more concise shape. Well, a concise mass of shapes that needed to be sorted through.

Sipping the wine, I began sorting through them. Just what exactly did I find so attractive about Striker? He was handsome, treated me like a lady, and encouraged my self-esteem...basically, everything Daryll was not. And though he was the exact opposite of my now-deceased ex, was that a good reason to fall for him?

One thing was for certain, I craved intimacy. That was evident in the toy stashed under the bed. Now that my blood had cooled a bit, I could think this out like a rational adult. 

The question remained, did I want to sleep with Striker or just craved the intimacy of someone who cared about me? To answer that, I needed to figure out how Striker felt about me. I sighed and downed the glass of wine before pouring another. All of these questions only led to more questions.

What a fucking mess.

A key in the lock startled me from my spiraling. Nearly choking on my wine, I covered my mouth to avoid spitting it out like some awkward mess. A moment later, Striker strode through the door and every ounce of adult rational flew right out the damn window.

So I had a crush on Striker, no matter the lack of rationality. Seeing me standing in the kitchenette, bug-eyed and with one hand covering my mouth, he gave me a questioning look, "Am I interrupting something, darlin'?"

Only me losing my fucking mind.

"Nope," I said, recovering as much as I could, "You just surprised me is all."

Based on the look plastered on Striker's face, he didn't believe me. However, he blessedly did not push the issue.

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