Chapter three

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Veronica's pov:

My father's gaze followed my gesture, his expression transforming from anger to curiosity. He examined the man with a mixture of fascination and skepticism. "Are you serious, Veronica? He's just a bodyguard, not a suitor," my father replied, his voice tinged with skepticism

"And what is the problem?" I questioned, my voice steady, betraying the strength that resided within me.

My father let out a weary sigh, the lines on his face deepening with the weight of his disappointment. "Veronica, we are searching for a man of wealth and status, not a mere servant. This matter is settled. Choose someone else."

I shook my head, a fierce determination burning in my eyes. "No, Father. I cannot and will not settle for anything less than what my heart desires. It's either him or no one at all."

His surprise was evident as his eyes widened, his voice laced with disbelief. "This is unbelievable, Veronica! Have you lost your mind?"

Meeting his incredulous gaze, I replied with unwavering conviction, "No, Father, I haven't lost my mind. I have made up my mind. I refuse to enter a loveless marriage or compromise my own happiness for the sake of societal expectations. If you choose to abandon me because of it, then so be it. But I will not change my decision."

My father let out a heavy sigh, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and uncertainty. I could sense the internal struggle within him as he searched for the right words to say.

My heart pounded in my chest as I locked eyes with the enigmatic man who had captured my attention. His intense gaze held me captive, threatening to consume my very being.

What a striking and formidable presence he possessed!

I watched, transfixed, as he raised a finger to his lips, his thumb delicately tracing the curve of his mouth. A subtle gesture that sent shivers down my spine. It was as if he could hear the conversation between my father and me, his penetrating stare leaving me uncertain of his true feelings.

was it anger or perhaps a trace of flattery that danced in his eyes?

In this moment of overwhelming emotions, I longed for the supernatural ability to read minds. how I wished to unravel the thoughts swirling within his mind!

My heart raced with anticipation as my father, Mr. Kingsley, broke the silence that had weighed heavily between them. I had been waiting for this moment, hoping that my father would understand my desires and support my decision.

"If that's what you want, Veronica, I'm not sure I can hold you back," Mr. Kingsley finally spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and acceptance. His gaze shifted toward the mysterious man who had been watching us intently, his eyebrows raising ever so slightly.

A smile spread across my face, grateful that my father was willing to consider my happiness above all else. The mysterious man seemed to sense the change in the atmosphere, and as Mr. Kingsley called him over, he bent slowly before the man who had hired him, excusing himself before making his way towards me and my father.

I could feel my father's intense gaze as it scrutinized the mysterious man's tattoos. I understood his apprehension, knowing that my father had always been protective of me. But I also knew that my father respected my choices, and his judgment would ultimately be fair.

"I would have never allowed this if my daughter didn't wish for it," My father said, his tone firm yet gentle. "But as far as I know, you're the one she chose to marry."

The mysterious man's eyes shifted from Mr. Kingsley to me, his intense gaze piercing through me. I met his gaze, feeling a wave of warmth and reassurance wash over me.

"Am I in a place to refuse?" the mysterious man responded, his voice deep and filled with an air of confidence. He looked back at me, tilting his head slightly, his eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue. "It doesn't seem like a problem to me."

I couldn't help but suppress a happy chuckle that threatened to escape my lips. I glanced up at my father, eagerly awaiting his response, hoping that he would understand the depth of my feelings.

Mr. Kingsley extended his hand, reaching out to introduce himself to the mysterious man. "Mr. Kingsley," he said, his voice steady and composed.

The mysterious man reciprocated the gesture, his strong hand meeting Mr. Kingsley's in a firm handshake. "Arthur," he replied simply.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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