You're not a monster

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          Hey babes, I wrote this when I was in middle school on a whim and I see after years of neglect from me it's still getting love from y'all. I am sorry to inform you this fanfiction will never continue and it will die on this app. Fore warning to people starting it, it will never reach the end.

        Sleep. Sleep is all you want right now. It seems so amazing , but you can't grasp it. You just lie there , awake  with you eyes closed waiting , hoping praying, for sleep.

         You hear muffled laughter from the hallway. You open your heavy  eye lids and stand up slowly. You are in a state of shock , no one ever came to visit you, well except idiotic people trying to scare friends or disprove your existence. You normally  just wandered your tower solemnly. No living sole here but you. The voices where getting closer , you had to hide. You grab on to the roots from plants growing out your walls and climb up effortlessly. You are now hanging off a root on the ceiling. Two people walk in, both male. You squint to try and see what they look like but it is almost impossible. One of them calls out in a deep voice ," Oh (y/n)! Oh (y/n)! Where does the goddess of isolation  hide? Come out come out, I wish to prove you are not real to my brother. So mistress of torture mistress of isolation show your self if you are real. " You raise one eye brow. Just another idiot thinking you are not real. You start cautiously climbing down , making sure not to be seen.

          "See brother , The great goddess of isolation and torture is just a fairytale father told us." You started to get a better look at them they looked about 14 or 15 around your age. The older one had bright blonde hair and wore red and gold attire , the younger , who looked closer to your own age ,had sleek black hair , emerald green eyes and wore green and black attire. They where kinda attractive. All the same they invaded your tower , time to scare the shit out of them.

              You jumped down towards the blonde one. Your (h/c) hair turned a sickly shade of blue  and your skin turned grey. Your once bouncy hair was oily and sleek .Your teeth grew sharp and bit into your lips . Your got down in a grudge pose and growled at them.

               You looked up at the blonde one and screamed ," STILL THINK I AM NOT REAL BLONDIE?" He jumped and screamed running out as fast as possible. You turned your attention to the black haired boy and snarled at him. He knelt down beside you and muttered ," Why change the way you look to scare people?" You glared at him hatefully and yelled ," BECAUSE WHEN YOU ARE THE GODDESS OF TORTURE EVERYBODY THINKS YOU ARE A MONSTER AND YOU HAVE TO LIVE UP TO IT!"

             He looked at you and pursed his lips. " No you don't. Only you can decide what you are. Do you think you are a monster?"

             You gaze softened and you unclenched your jaw. Your blue hair started turning back to (h/c) hair and less  oily and more fluffy ,your skin returned to your  (s/c) skin  and your fangs went back to your normal teeth. You sat down and stuttered out, "No, but everyone in Asgard, including my parents, think I am. So aren't I?" He shook his head."Of course not , you are just confused , and in my book , being confused  does not mean you are a monster my dear." He smiled , stood up, and held out a hand to you. You looked at the outstretched hand confused . Nobody ever offered to help you. You took it slowly and hoped it was not a trick.

             He pulled you up and asked , " What is your name?" " (y/n)." You stuttered out.He smiled and said, "That is a wonderful name." He smiled and pushed your (h/c) hair  out of your eyes ,"You're not a monster (y/n)." He looked out of your window and stared then he picked your hand up and kissed it. "I must go. The sun is setting." He turned and started walking to the entrance and you called out ," Wait! Will you come back tomorrow?" He stopped and looked back to you and smiled. "As you wish."He turned swiftly and left the building.

           You smiled to your self and went to lie down on your tree. You look around at your tower. There were trees and vines growing in through the cracks and the windows and the sun was setting. You pulled a blanket of leaves on to you and closed your eyes . You kept repeating his words in your head. "You're not a monster (y/n)." Soon you drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Finally.

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