A Connection

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It had been almost a year since the mission at the hospital, and Agent D was still close friends with The Nurse. They would hang out together often. This very night, Agent D and The Nurse were going to a karaoke event together. Little did they know just what would happen.

The two sat in the audience whilst people got up and sang their songs. Sometimes, it wasn't only one person. There were friends, family, partners and even married couples at the event.

A couple got up to sing a song, looking at each other, and then one of them says:

"This song is dedicated to my boyfriend, because this is our song." The audience collectively said "awww" to this. Agent D sulked a little. "Why don't I get to have a partner? Am I too distant? Too busy? Why can't I just know what it's like to have 'our' song?". The Nurse comforted her. "I'm sure there's definitely someone out there who will want you.". Agent D sighed to herself; she'd heard that one too many times.

Eventually the time came for the two to get up and sing their song. They had chosen Toxic, but they both had very different singing skills, with The Nurse not being as good as she wished she could be. She was still confident though, and got up onto the stage with Agent D. They had planned out who was going to sing which parts. The song started, and they got ready to sing. They each then sang their respective parts of the song, and danced along to it too. By the end of the song, the two bowed at the audience, who gave them a round of applause, before they walked off the stage.

"You did so well! Your singing voice is so beautiful, like you!" The Nurse said to Agent D.

"Oh, thank y- what did you just say about me?!" Agent D replied, blushing a little, and smirking.

"Oh, I think now's the right time to tell you this, Agent D. I really like you, as in, romantically. You're really pretty.", The Nurse says to her.

"Well come here, you cute little thing" Agent D says, hugging the nurse, "I'm your sassy spy bestie, the sassy spy anyone would die to be in love with! And you're the lucky one."

They walked out of the venue together, holding hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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The Hospital - A Just Dance 'Toxic' TaleWhere stories live. Discover now