Fire And Water

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As diverse as water and fire
The one hot-headed, the other thirst-quenching
Like two sides of a coin
A head and a tail
Yet, one doesn't follow the others lead
Diverse, yet, one
As one is non-existent without the others hand
Both poetic, both can sing
But, fire always does due justice
With her angelic voice of melody
Both love fashion
But fire is always more enchanting
Both blessed with beautiful voices
But, water, has a voice that wins and captures
The heart, opinions and thoughts of an audience
The love we share can never be compared
To a Thai man, that  "cute" guy
Or tonnes of deodorants and sweets

You're not at all like water
Damn, right, I'm fire
She's always had to explain
With her rockhard charisma
I am not fire, nor her water
We are different, yet, one
We survive not, without each other
Together, we instill fear and warrant attention
She dances, she sings, she writes
Her beauty is beyond comprehending
Though we quarrel and fight
She is my other half, undeniably
She may not be a mini-me but, we do share our similarities

What irks her, irks me
What hurts her, hurts me
What taunts her, taunts me
As different as we are
I am her and she is me
In mindset, soul and body
Siamese we be
Our joints not intertwined
But joined literally
Where'er I am, there she is
Where'er she is, I am
You mightn't see us together, alway
But at all times, I inhabit her thoughts, and she mine
She is my other half, both literally and figuratively
Without her, life for me
Ceases to exist.


Inspired by sisters' bond.

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