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"Whats the catch?" Y/n, freshly 16, asked, her hands weakly holding the mechanical watch she was handed. Her tear-stained face looked up at the woman in front of her. She had long curly hair and warm dark skin, and she was seated atop a beautiful motorcycle.

"There is no catch. You help us fight bad guys, we keep you out of foster care until you're old enough to live alone.... I'll even make sure your mother's flower shop stays in business." She said with a small smile.

"How did you know my mother had a flower shop...?" Y/n asked.

"We've been keeping tabs on you, a lot of people in this organization want to see you reach your full potential as a spider-man."

"A spider-man?... why?"

"Because you're special, y/n. Very, very special. We haven't seen anything like you since ever." Jessica looked down at the watch.

"Not to be rude, but you dont have much of a choice, unless you'd like to stay here...The cannon sure did a number on your old life."

"Whats 'the cannon'?" Y/n asked.

"Come with me and I'll explain everything." Jessica smiled, reaching out her hand.

Y/n was weary, watching the woman with sharp eyes, then slowly she outstretched her arm and placed her hand into the older woman's.

"Fantastic, I knew you'd come around." She smiled before pressing a button on hew own watch. Suddenly the room began to glitch and glide, and a bright orange portal opened infront of them, from seemingly nothing.

"Your future awaits you, in there." Jessica said, pulling y/n up onto her motorcycle.


"Orb Weaver." Y/n said softly.
"Its a species of spider that lives on garden plants."

Jessica smiled, looking over to the suit designer sitting besides her.

"Thats a wonderful name, and your suit design isnt half bad either." The woman complimented.

"Did your mom have a lot of those at her shop?" Jessica asked.

Y/n nodded, getting up to look at the models of other spider suits in the laboratory. There were black ones, red ones, ones with stripes and gradients and spots.

"How many spider-people are there?" She called out.

"More than can ever be counted." Jessica replied, walking up behind y/n and joining her to gaze upon the traditional amazing spider-man suit.

"We're a family of people across universes that share one common thing, were the good guys." Jessica looked over at y/n.

"And here, you're among the best of the best."

"Welcome to the team, Orb Weaver."


It didnt take long for y/n to integrate visiting Spider society headquarters into her everyday life between the next 4 months. Its not like she had much to do other than school. Some days she'd find herself just walking the infinite halls, paths, and walls of the inter-dimensional plane just to avoid going back to her empty apartment.

"Y/n!" Someone called out from behind her.

"hm?" Y/n turned around, noticing Spinneret from earth 18119 running after her with someone in tow.

"Not Cannon" Hobart 'Hobie' Brown x reader| Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse Where stories live. Discover now