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"I like you actually." Y/n said, walking by miles as the group of spiders made their way to Miguel's lab.

"Yeah?" Miles perked up.

"Yeah. You remind me of me at your age." She mumbled.
"They've been keeping tabs on you because you're special... They think I'm special too."

"Special..? What does that mean?"

"Y/n!" Gwen turned back and gave y/n a little glare, silently scolding her for telling Miles a bit too much.

"What? The guy needs to know." Hobie shrugged at her.

"Bet this doesn't even do anything." He said, snatching a mech chip from the wall."

"It probably did before you snatched it out a wall!" Miles whisper-yelled.

"Propaganda broooo, it distracts you from the truth." Hobie said, slipping something else in his pocket.

"And whats that?" Miles huffed.

"That theres no way to stop Hobie from taking things that aren't his." Y/n chucked.

"hush." He flicked the back of her head with his finger, then turned back to miles.

"Ian' got Scooby do bout' it, because thats what they want."

"Why do you want to be apart of this?" Y/n asked, looking over at Miles.

"To get a watch?" He said as if it was obvious.

"Make your own watch." Hobie suggested.
"Bet you got a nice setup huh? Nice parents."

"They're fine." Miles said quickly, walking past him.
"They just want whats best for me."

"Thats a bloody shame." Hobie said, sitting down in a rolling chair.

"Why....?" Miles asked.

"Because I dont think this what you want." Y/n whispered in Mile's ear as he pushed Hobie to the side.

"The whole point of being spider-man is your independence, be your own boss, you dont NEED all of this." Hobie said.

"Then why are you here?"

"Gotta look out for y/n, shes all I got." He shrugged. Y/n shook her head.

"I WANT to be in a band, I WANT to see my friends, and I need a watch to do that." Miles said.

"Guys cmon." Gwen frowned.

"Alright....Squashed." Hobie said.
"Just make sure you know what you're fighting for before you enlist."

He wrapped his arm around y/n's waist as Miles ran ahead.

"You feelin' what Im feelin'?" Hobie mumbled into her ear.

"I think so." She responded.

something was about to change.


Y/n stood in front of Hobie as Miguel showed Miles the Acachno Humanoid Poly Multiverse. Her back was against his chest, his hands holding her forearms.

"You straight?" He leaned down, whispering into her ear.

"Yeah." She mumbled back, not taking her eyes off Miles.

She knew he wasn't going to take the news well, she didn't either when she was his age.

"There are certain events, certain chapters, that are apart of ever spider's story....Some good, some bad."

Hobie watched as the images of Spider-people grieving deaths showed up before them. He didn't see himself amongst them, but he did see y/n. She was holding a woman though, not her father like he expected her to be.

Y/n would never tell him her story, and now didn't seem like the right time to ask. He held her arms a little tighter, rubbing them with his thumbs.

"Inspector Sing's death was a cannon event. YOU weren't supposed to be there, YOU weren't supposed to save him." Miguel stated.

"That why Gwen tried to stop you." He said.

"Thats why y/n SHOULD have stopped you." Y/n turned her head, squeezing her eyes shut to avoid Miguel's piercing glare. Miguel was never fond of her, and over the years she had come to learn why. Hobie wrapped his arms around her, glaring at O'hara.

"I thought you were trying to save me." Miles mumbled.

"I was...I uh..." Gwen shut her eyes.
"I was doing both."

"And Now, Miles, Pavitr's dimension is falling apart, because YOU changed the story."

Y/n turned around, pressing her face into Hobie's chest and squeezing her eyes shut. He wrapped his arms around her tighter.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can get you outta' here." He whispered.

"no." she mumbled back, trying to tune out Miguel's backstory.

"When does it happen?....When does it happen??" She heard Miles yell out after a while, seemingly referencing the inevitable death of his father.

"In two days." Miguel mumbled.
"When he's sworn in....Im sorry Miles."

"Send me home." Miles demanded.

"I cant do that."

Y/n listened to Miles ramble with a twisted feeling in her gut. The atmosphere in the room changed as the other spider people began to close in, creating a circle around the altercation.

"Being spider-man is a sacrifice." Y/n found familiarity in those words.
"Thats the job."

"Is that why you're here?" He pointed to Peter.
"To let me down easy??... It worked last time, why not run it back, huh?"

"Hey hold on hold on—"

"You were right Gwen. You should have never come to see me." Miles growled.

"Kid look we-" He cut peter off again.

"Stop calling me that."

"There we go." Hobie smirked, turning y/n around again so she could watch.

"Hobie you're not helping-" Jessica stated.

"Good." Hobie's answer was quick.

"Miles please understand-" Peter began again.

"You cant ask me not to save my father." Miles stepped up to Miguel.

"Im not asking." Miguel stated, stepping on a device on the ground that quickly extended upwards, locking miles inside a force field.

"Let him go!" Y/n yelled, Hobie running up behind her as they surrounded the capsule.

"He has no watch whats the point of imprisoning him??" Y/n glared at Miguel.

"If we let him out, he'll only do more damage, we all know that." Miguel assured.

Y/n turned to the side, watching Hobie place his hands on the field and mouthed something to Miles.

"What are you-"

"Sorry it had to end like this kid." Miguel mumbled, beginning to walk away.

"...I said not to CALL ME THAT." Suddenly miles braced his hands against the field and it began to shatter, emitting enough force to send those closest rolling along the floor as it fell apart.

Miles was free now, and the first thing he did was run,

with every Spiderman chasing after him.

Y/n slid on her mask, getting ready to follow after. She needed to talk to him, she wasn't quite sure what direction to push him in, but she knew she needed to talk to him.

but before she could fix her feet to jump, she was snatched up by the back of the suit and pulled directly into a portal.


"Not Cannon" Hobart 'Hobie' Brown x reader| Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse Where stories live. Discover now