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"You cold?" Hobie asked, looking at y/n who was getting comfortable under the covers of his bed.

"No, Im fine." She said, stretching her arms up as she began to yawn. Hobie watched with blown pupils, the room still warm and smelling faintly like weed. He began to space out a little, the borders of his vision blurring until he realized
y/n was staring right back at him.

"Youre beautiful. Di'yknow that?" He asked, flipping off the light switch and sliding into bed next to her. The light of the moon illuminated the room just a bit.

"You may have said it once or twice." Y/n said, beginning to lay down.

"Well I mean it. Out of all the women Ive been with, not a single one was a pretty as you." He said, laying down and turning his body away from her.

Hobie had his fair share of flings, hookups, and one night stands. Y/n thought maybe she should have been doing the same, just to take her mind off him, but she couldnt bear to, not when she was sleeping in his warm bed every other night. Not when she was this close to him.

Hobie never had a girlfriend, and he promised himself he never would unless y/n finally came around.

"They dont think like you either." He said to y/n, who was now laying with her back to him. The drugs made him just a bit more loose with his words.

"I dont think I want anyone if its not you." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep. He probably wouldn't remember what he said in the morning, he often times didnt, but y/n always remembered. And some days she would get him a little higher that she ought to, just to hear him say those sweet things to her.

The distance between their two backs felt like a cold ocean. Yet y/n let the familiarity of it all lull her to sleep.


Y/n paced the halls of the Headquarters very slowly, entirely in her own head as she walked.

"What do you mean 'changed'?" She heard from around the corner. It was a voice she recognized, Gwen.

"Like I dont think Ill ever be as close to her as I was during that kiss." And another voice, Hobie.

"It was like she had changed entirely once she came back from that talk with Jess. Either she told y/n something bad about me, or y/n realized immediately after kissing me that she could never be with me." Hobie mumbled. Y/n pressed her back to the wall, her ears on high alert.

"Are you sure? Maybe theres something else you don't know about."

"Ive spent almost 3 years thinking bout' it. What else could there be...? Shit, Gwen I kissed her once when I was 17 and now I cant get over her, honestly I think I might lo-"

"Hobie!" Y/n said cheerfully, rounding the corner and cutting him off with a smile. Hobie and Gwen jumped in surprise, trying to cover their tracks, hoping y/n didnt hear the conversation they were just having moments before.

"Aye, you scared me." He chuckled, hand on his heart.
"You left your toothbrush at my place last night."

"Yeah? Ill come back and get it later." She said. Then she looked to gwen.

"Miguel and Jess want to talk to you, something about tracking a new anomaly.... I think this ones in 1610."

Y/n watched as Gwen's face lit up, then quickly went back to normal.
"YES.....I mean-uh- cool, totally cool."

Y/n chuckled, watching as she swung away.

"You miss being that age?" Hobie asked with a small smile. He watched as y/n tapped her watch and created a portal back to her brooklyn.

"Nope. Never." She said, dragging Hobie in with her.


Y/n fell with an elated giggle, looking up above her at hobie who was still sitting on the ledge of the building. He watched with bright eyes as she outstretched her hand and swung upwards, then he stood, pulling down his mask and followed after her.

The two swung and weaved and spun through the buildings of new york city with ease, passing warm glances at each other in the mean time.

Hobie watched as y/n swung to the top of a nearby building, leaning against a brick wall and pulling off her mask, so he swung up besides her, standing with his arm around her waist. The two sat down, legs swinging in the air.

"One time when I was young, my father used his police clearance to get him and I on the roof of this building to watch the sunset." Y/n mumbled.

"Your father was a police officer?" Hobie asked. Y/n didnt talk about her story much.

"A captain." She said, looking him in his eyes. Hobie's eyes widened.

"And the cannon..."

"The cannon took him from me." Y/n looked out at the city.
"The cannon took everything from me, everything I loved.....It took my mistakes and made them other people's fatal consequences."

She looked back at him.

"Which is why I could never love you, Hobie."

Hobie webt still.

Then suddenly their watches began to beep.

"We're needed in earth 50101. Pavitr, Gwen, and.... and another spider are there." Y/n said softly while getting up.


"Not Cannon" Hobart 'Hobie' Brown x reader| Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora