The meet.

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Travis phelps is mixed here and knows a bit of Spanish. He was blonde hair with brown roots, braces with baby blue coloring that matched his beautiful...Beautiful eyes. His nickname is travy patty or trav. Anyway to Larry. Larry has brown long luscious hair, brown eyes, smokes cigs, and has a brother sal. He dresses like a kinda goth person it's between idk but onto the story.

Travis pov
(mentions of abuse and sh)
"God. Here we go again...another day of school" i as he sat up to realize all the bruises on my body from his father and himself. He stretched and got him "i wonder if ill see Philip today." I walked to the bathroom and got dressed before hearing "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE BOY!" Come from Kennedy's ugly ass mouth. I let out a big sighed i would soon come to be named as Travis phelps and i responded with " Coming father!" I shouted slightly "nothing like a morning fucking beating. Im so tired I actually don't give s fuck." I walked down the stairs and met my father and bowed "Good job. Thats how you treat people. We will not have what happen yesterday happen again." His father said, i had a attitude yesterday and accidentally yelled at my devil of a father (actually hate this man.)
Time skip 😋

"God god god god!" I said as i was in a rush to math class before bumping into someone "What the fuck dude?!" Larry said "im sorry man i just-" I was cut off mid sentence "you look like a girl i knew. Her name was Taylor" (js so you know travis trans in this version and he changed his name and he didn't bully them) "oh...thats interesting...but im not her sorry man" i said nervously "it's fine. You new here?" Larry said confused "yeah im going to math" i said, still nervous "skip with me. That math teacher is an annoying shit" i blushed slightly when i looked at his face....god he was beautiful....almost the feeling you get when you like a girl....Stop it travis! Thats a sin! I tell myself in my brain....but he is so hot and his voice..EEK! "h-h-how bad is she?" I said still thinking about his face and dressing "really bad. I wanna drag her everyday"
402 words (song is lightyear)

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