Chapter Seven

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Ashley's POV:

         When I walked through the door, I exprected to find Tommy sitting on the couch. I didn't, but what I did find in the kitchen scared the crap out of me.

"Mom!," I shouted, startled. I placed a hand on my chest, trying to keep my frantically racing heart from hurdling out of my sternum. She gave me a funny look, like she thought I was loosing it.

"Who were you expecting?," she asked with an eyeroll.

         Something seemed off about her. 'Your mother lost Ted too,' Tommy's words flashed through my mind. And my mother's gaunt expression made sense.

"How are you feeling," I asked in a concerned voice. The surprised raise of her eyebrows made me feel ashamed. I knew my mother and I had problems, but she was my mom after all. Things like this only proved how non-existant our relationship had become.

"I'm tired," she said, rubbing at her eyes. They had purple bags under them, and looked a little puffy, like she'd been crying. I knew it wasn't just exhaustion making her feel this way.

         A long silence filled the room. I looked down as tears pooled in my eyes.

"I miss them," I said quietly. I looked up when I heard her choke on a sob. I hesitantly walked over to her, putting my hand on her shoulder as I wiped away one of my own tears. She looked over at me, then threw her arms around me. I clutched her to me, and cried into her shoulder.

         I'd mourned Ted and Tommy's deaths already, and was still mourning them, but something about crying with my mother freed something in me. It gave me a small sense of closure that I'd never felt by myself.

          After a good hour of crying, we pulled away from eachother, wiping our eyes and laughing at eachother.

"How about we get some pizza and watch movies?," she asked with a sniffle.

         I could only nod. She gave me a small smile as she walked over to the phone.

       I went upstairs to change my clothing. When I opened the door to my room, I saw Tommy seated at the foot of my bed.

         As a ghost, Tommy always looked a little washed out. But something about him now just seemed off. I couldn't place it, but he looked more washed out and white than ever.

"Tommy?," I asked, trying to get his attention. He turned to look at me, but didn't meet my eyes.

"Are you alright?" I took a small step into my room. If he was still on edge, I didn't want to set him off.

         He blined at the ground, then returned to staring at the wall before him. I walked over to him and kneeled by his side.

"Tommy, you're worrying me. Please tell me if everything's alright."

        He continued to stare blankly at my wall. I sighed, wishing I could touch him. At least then I could give him some small measure of comfort.

        My door opened, making me jump. I hurriedly stuck my head under the bed, hoping it would look like I was looking for something.

"Um, what are you doing?," my mother asked me.

         I pulled my head out from under my bed. I was about to turn and look at her, but Tommy caught my eye. His eyes were firmly planted on her. He stood and walked until he was standing in front of her.

"I-I was... uh just looking for my slippers." I hoped it looked like my eyes were focused on her. They currently rested on the back of Tommy's head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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