Ghost Soldier

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My name is Thomas Staten. I died doing what I loved, and that was protecting my country.

Semper Fi

*Six months ago*

        I knew the sound of gunfire would haunt me for as long as I lived. The faces of my fallen comrades would as well. Everytime I closed my eyes, I saw their lifeless stares as I looked on, knowing I wouldn't be able to do anything for them.

         I shook my head. I couldn't think of them right now. At the moment, I had to make sure the rest of my platoon made it safely back to base... if I could make that happen. Right now, I was loosing hope that I'd ever accomplish that.

         I cursed as I saw Ted, one of my comrades and closest friends, go down. Blood spurted from his neck. he held his hand up to the wound and instantly I screamed, "Medic!"

         I scurried over to him, trying to remain crouched down low to avoid getting hit by the spray of bullets that was currently showering my platoon.

"You're going to be alright!," I shouted above the pings of bullets. But as I said this, I already saw my friend was fading.

"Don't you fucking dare die!," I screamed at him. A smile touched his face, which was fast turning gray. He wheezed and I realized he was trying to speak. I leaned down to hear him better.

"Take care... of her," he managed. I pulled back to look at him. His gaze was fixed heavenward. I closed my eyes for a moment as I nodded, even though he could no longer see me. I allowed myself a moment to mourn. But that was all I had. I turned from his body and and took up my assault rifle. I shot at the enemy as I made my way to the surviving members. There weren't many. Most of my men lay lifeless on the ground.

         I tried not to let the sight of them rattle me. We'd have plenty of time to mourn them later, I just needed to get them back. I started shouting orders.

        I never saw the bullet coming.

        I was pulling another of my downed men to the safety of the dirt mound that we'd been using as protection as we made our stand. His injury didn't look too bad and I assumed he would make it just fine. One moment I'd been standing protectively over him, and the next I was on the ground, finding it difficult to make my lungs pull in air. Someone was shouting at me from above, but it felt like I was staring at him from a distance.

"Fall back," I said as forcefully as I could. Jim, I realized, was standing above me. I knew he'd listen and get the remaining men out of here.

         I didn't pay any attention to him as I turned my head in the direction of where I'd left Ted's body. My last thought was that I'd somehow let Ted down. But as I drew in one more breath, I vowed that even in death, I would take care of her.


Ashley's POV:

         I hid my tears as Ted's eulogy was read. I couldn't believe my brother was gone. He'd been the only one besides our mother that I had left. He'd really been more of like a father to me after ours had skipped out on us.

         I turned my thoughts elsewhere, but they went to Thomas and I sighed. Tommy had always been around and he'd been a good friend to me as well. I already missed him more than I thought I would.

        Not long after the funeral, my mother and I took off. We didn't speak as we drove to the house that Ted had bought for us. He'd been the buffer between the two of us, and with him gone I didn't have any sort of urge to talk to her. She must've felt the same, for she didn't try to start a conversation either. But that was just fine with me

         The first thing I did when we got home was go up to Ted's room and sit on his bed. I closed my eyes as I conjured up memories of me, Ted, and Tommy to my mind. I never wanted to forget these memories, even if they always brought tears to my eyes.

         I don't know how long I sat there before I layed down and started drifting off to sleep. My eyes opened for a split second, trying to fight off the sleepy feeling, but I wasn't winning. Before I closed my eyes, I swore I saw a large, transparent figure sitting at the desk's seat, staring at me.

         It looked exactly like Tommy.


A/N: I hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you did, you should totally click on the vote button. Or if you're feeling really daring, become a fan ;) lol, But really, I do hope you enjoyed this. Tell me what you think so far

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