Chapter Four

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Ashley's POV:

        After my run in with Tommy, I didn't see him for almost a week. Those days were surprisingly long for me. I didn't even see any sign that he was still around.

        The first day, I'd been slightly relieved when I didn't see him around that morning. But, as the day progressed, and nothing continued to happen, I grew disheartened.

        Day two renewed my hope as soon as I woke up, but that hope didn't last when I saw there was no coffee in the coffee pot or food in Tank's bowl. I went about my day as usual as I could. But every creak or groan in the house had me on the look out for Tommy.

        On day three, I hardly bothered getting out of bed. My depression at losing Tommy again had me in a lathargic state. I managed to get up long enough to take care of Tank, and then I was back in my room, staring at my wall while memories of my happy past played in my head. Tank was nice enough to keep me company.

        On the begining of the fourth day, I woke up to a cold room. I pulled the covers up to my chin and hoped the heating system hadn't shut off. It would be a very cold day for me if it decided to stop working. I didn't have the strength nor the will to go turn it back on.

       I turned over in my bed to snuggle closer to Tank, and stopped just as my arms were about to pull him closer. My gaze fixed to a transparent Tommy as he leaned against my wall. His thick arms were crossed over his broad chest and he had a disapproving look on his face.

"Where have you been?," I asked sleepily.

"I was seeing Ted," he answered simply.

        This made me jolt up in my bed. Ted was a ghost too? If that was the case why hadn't Thomas brought him back with him? He must've seen these questions cross my face, because he sighed.

"I went to his grave. And mine, and those of my platoon. Ted isn't a ghost. he had no loose ends to tie up."

         My heart sunk for a few reasons. The first being that Ted was, indeed, gone and onto the afterlife. But I couldn't stay too upset with that. I didn't want Ted to be walking around for the rest of eternity. And the second was that I only seemed to be a 'loose end' to Tommy.  I felt silly for getting so upset, but it hurt to think that's all I was.

        I looked down so he wouldn't see my face. When he'd been alive, he'd always told me he could read me better than an open book. No emotion escaped his watchful gaze. I didn't think death changed that. I was right; it didn't.

"What's wrong?," he asked, concern lacing his voice. Apparently I didn't hide quick enough.

"You don't have to be here if you don't want to be. I know you made a promise to Ted, but I'll be fine,' I said quietly.

        Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him frown in confusion. I could tell he was going back over our conversation, trying to see where my statement came from. He must've realized what upset me, because he slapped a palm over his face.

"You don't think I meant you were my loose end, do you," he gently asked. I didn't answer. My silence was answer enough for him.

"Ashley, I... you aren't that. I think I would've come back to make sure you were alright even if Ted's promise hadn't prompted me to.. be this." He gestured at his see-through body.

        I looked up at him, not understanding what he meant.

"Why? I don't get why you'd do that," I said, voicing my confusion.

"Because I..." he took in a big breath of air, and let it out in a frustrated sigh. A strange look crossed his face, then he disolved into the air. I scrambled out of bed and into the hallway. I don't know why I thought I could catch up to him, even though I had no idea where he went. He was a frickin' ghost, for heaven's sake, he could be anywhere.

        Annoyed that he'd just vanished on me, I lightly bumped my head against the hallway wall a few times. Why did he always have to skip out on serious converstaions? He'd been no better about that when he'd been alive.

        From down the hall, I heard music start playing. I frowned as I walked over to what I realized was Tommy's room. I listened harder, trying to identify the music. I almost laughed when I recognized the tune.

        My humor died for a moment when I pushed the door open. He stood by the stereo, a small smile on his lips.

"The Four Tops, huh," I giggled when I saw him mouthing the words. He nodded and then he, along with the song, belted out, "Sugar pie Honey bunch! You know that I love you! I can't help myself, I love you and nobody else!"

         He did some strange looking dance move, and my giggling turned into full-out laughter.

"Sugarpie Honey bunch! You know that I'm weak you for you!," he continued, looking like he was siezing with all the weird 'dance moves' he was doing.

         I fell onto the floor with gut-busting laughter bubbling out of my mouth. For the first time in days, I actually felt good.

        I looked up and saw Tommy fling himself on the floor next to me, laughing as hard as me.

"You're so wierd sometimes," I told him when I could breath again. He shrugged as I wiped the little tears at the corner of my eyes.

"Got you to laugh. Beside, that's my favorite song of all time. It's my jam," he replied.

"I know. I remember some of the videos Ted used to post on youtube for me and mom."

        I'd always loved the videos Ted would send. They let me know that even though they were in danger, he was at least having fun. In the last one he'd sent, Tommy had been dancing, much like he just did, to this song. He'd dragged a lot of their unwilling friends into the fray.

"I listened to this song a lot while we were there... It always reminded me of you," Tommy said softly.

        My shocked gaze collided with his calm one.

"Why?," I blurted. He sighed and rubbed at his eyes as if he were tired.

"Did you not listen to the lyrics? Why do you think it would remind me of you?"

        I watched him closely. I could tell from the look on his face that he was hoping that I wouldn't get what he was saying. And then it hit me like a tone of bricks.

"Oh my God," I murmured. He smiled sadly and turned his head away.

"Tommy?" I waited uptil he turned back to me. I couldn't really touch his face, but I put my hand as close as I could to his cheek without passing through his being.

"I love you, too."

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