Chapter Two

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Ashley's POV:

      I woke up feeling tired and depressed; not the best way to start a morning. I tried to roll over and get comfortable, but I could tell that wouldn't be happening. And staring at the wall for the rest of the day really didn't appeal to me.

      I sighed and rolled over again, but my sigh turned into a scream as I slammed my eyes shut. I curled into a ball and peeked around my arm. I frowned when I saw nothing standing there. But, I swore I just saw... maybe my mind was being mean and playing tricks on me. Tommy couldn't be standing there. He was as gone as Ted.

      I tried to calm my frazzled nerves as I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower to let the water heat up. I stared at myself in the mirror, and was dismayed by what I saw. my blue eyes held no light or emotion whatsoever. Purple bags lined them as well as a slight puff to them from crying. My brown hair looked limp. My face seemed drawn. But I suppose that was expected when you lost someone you loved. I sighed and closed my eyes. Make that two someones.

      I don't know how long I stood like that, my eyes closed and hands gripping the counter, when I felt a cold chill slide down my arm. It was just my arm, and in three distinct spots. It'd almost felt like fingers that someone had been holding in a snowbank for hours. It made me jump and shiver.

      I tried to push the feeling away and took my shower.

      After I was dressed and on my way downstairs, I heard Ted's dog, Tank, barking. I rolled my eyes and laughed silently to myself. He probably hadn't been fed this morning. The only time he ever barked like that was when he thought he was starving or... when Ted and Tommy came home. I chastised my self for that thought as a tear sild down my cheek. I had to stop doing this to myself. I wanted to remember them, but I didn't want to keep feeling like this.

      My eyes popped open when I heard the sound of dog food hit Tank's bowl. I rushed down the stairs, thinking that my mother must've fed him. But she was usually off at work by this time. I turned the corner and frowned down at Tank. he was staring at nothing with his head cocked to the side, as if listening to something. I shook my head and thought that he may have been hearing something outside. I started to go about my business in the kitchen.

"Good boy."

      My hands froze on the way to the coffee pot. I whirled around and saw no one but me in the kitchen. I put a hand to my forehead and thought I must be going crazy. I'd just heard a masculine voice, but aside frome Tank, there wan't a male in this house.

"Hello," I called out, feeling stupid and like I was talking to myself.

      Just as expected, no one answered back. I shook my head and let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. But something didn't feel right. I walked by Tank, and felt as though I'd stepped into an early morning in January; I felt completely frozen to the bone. As quick as the feeling had come, it was gone. I turned around, looking in all directions, but I didn't even know what I was looking for.

      An uncomfortable feeling, llike being watched, came over me. It made me squirm, and I walked out to the living room, deciding that maybe a little tv would distract me.

      I turned the tv on and flipped through the channels, not looking for anything in particular. I frowned when the tv flickered and fuzzed a little bit. I wondered if something was up with the connection. But then I felt the cushion next to mine dip, like someone had sat down. I got slightly chilled. I felt like I did when I'd been in the kitchen, but not nearly as bad. So I just pulled the plush blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped up in it.


      I sat up and looked around me, my heart beating a million miles an hour.

"Who's there," I shouted. I pulled the blanket tighter around me.

      I didn't get an answer. So I went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and searched the whole house. My search didn't show anything out of the ordinary. I leaned against the wall upstairs, trying to calm myself as I dragged a hand down my face.

      Just as I was starting to settle down, I felt a cold current pass through the air and got a big whiff of the aftershave that Tommy used to wear. The smell comforted me as much as it scared me. I glanced over as Ted's door creaked as it opened. Cautiously, I went to stand in the doorway. I took a look around and stepped into the space that used to be my brother's. Everything seemed to be the way it was when I'd left. But on the desk, I saw a pad of paper and a pen that hadn't been there earlier.

      I walked over to it and saw writing on it. I gasped as I recognized the writing as Tommy's.

'Don't worry Ash... I'm here.'

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