Dating Them

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- Honestly there's only a few things that are different about you and Frisk's relationship now

- Frisk will sometimes give you a little kiss on the cheek, and by "sometimes" I mean a few times every single day

- You guys still very sneakily give each other a kiss on the lips every now and then. Sans knows because of course he does

- Frisk holds your hand everywhere, but that's not really new

- Stands up for you as well as themself if someone's being a jerk

- You stand up for Frisk the majority of the time though, as there are a lot of monster racists and they get to Frisk sometimes

- Frisk still plays with you all the time. You two play alone inside and outside, you two play with your other friends like Papyrus, Mettaton, Undyne and Alphys. pretty much anyone and everyone

- Frisk doesn't sign "I love you" to you, they give you a hug and quietly say it in your ear. You do the same

- Everyone finds you and Frisk absolutely adorable, especially Toriel

- Frisk likes to have you over for a LOT more sleepovers now, you two always fall asleep cuddling

- Toriel will look at you and Frisk in their bedroom's doorway like: 🥹

- One time though, you woke up and Frisk was laying across the part of your legs close to your torso, the top half of their body was hanging off the side of the bed-

(*Thinking of (Y/N) fills you with DETERMINATION)

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