03. Whispers of the Past

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The sun began its descent, casting a warm glow across the kingdom of Ahichhatra. Swarnsheel gently asked his daughter, "How are you doing Kamalnayani? Is there something troubling you?"

Nitiksha, still thinking about the remnants of her forgotten dream, looked into her father's eyes. "Pitashree, I had a dream last night, but I cannot recall its details. However, I feel a strange attachment to it, as if it holds a hidden significance."

Concern etched Swarnsheel's face as he contemplated the mysterious dream. Seeking guidance, he led Nitiksha to Kulguru Vishwanath, the wise and revered pandit of the kingdom. Kulguru Vishwanath listened attentively as Nitiksha shared her experience, mentioning only the fleeting glimpse of saffron colour that lingered in her memory.

With a serene expression, Kulguru nodded knowingly. "Your majesty, it seems that you have tapped into the depths of your previous birth. Sometimes, certain fragments of memories resurface, drawing us towards unfinished goals or desires from our past lives."

Swarnsheel's eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Can anything prevent the influence of Nitiksha's previous birth from affecting her present one?" he asked, fearing the unknown.

In the midst of their conversation, Nitiksha remained silent, her mind a canvas on which she tried to recollect the faintest traces of her past existence.

Kulguru's voice resonated with wisdom as he responded to Swarnsheel's query. "Your majesty, there is no force in this world that can thwart the determination of a resolute human soul. If Nitiksha's intentions are deeply rooted in her previous birth, they will inevitably shape her present journey."

Swarnsheel's eyes were filled with concern as he looked at Nitiksha. He contemplated the words of Kulguru for a moment, his brow furrowing with concern. Kulguru Vishwanath , his countenance radiating tranquillity, offered a reassuring smile. "Fear not. By the divine grace of Lord Krishna, Rajkumari Nitiksha shall be protected. Have faith in the Parabrahma, for his guidance shall illuminate her path."

Swarnsheel nodded, his worry gradually dissipating, replaced by a glimmer of trust. "I understand"

Inquisitive and determined, Nitiksha spoke up, her voice brimming with hope. "Is there a way, Kulguru, to remember my previous birth or gain insight into its connection with me?"

Kulguru Vishwanath's eyes gleamed with wisdom as he considered her question. "Indeed, Rajkumari, there may be a way. Though I am not personally aware, I suggest seeking the guidance of your esteemed teachers from the gurukul. They possess immense knowledge and may hold the keys to unlocking the doors of your past."

Nitiksha's face brightened with anticipation, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you. I will immediately write a letter to my guru to explore the depths of my being."

Nitiksha, fueled by her desire for knowledge, sat at her writing desk, a quill in hand and parchment before her. With a sense of purpose, she meticulously penned a heartfelt letter to her beloved Gurus, Mridul and Mukul.

Respected Guruji,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I write to seek your guidance on a matter that has left me intrigued. Recently, I had a dream that felt deeply significant, connecting me to a past life. Though I cannot recall the details upon waking, the dream's essence remains with me, urging me to seek its meaning.

As my esteemed Gurus, I humbly request your wisdom in deciphering this dream. I yearn to understand its symbolism and purpose, as it holds the potential to unveil the mysteries of my present and future. Your guidance has always been a guiding light in my life, and I trust in your profound insights to shed light on this enigma.

With anticipation and gratitude, I await your response, hoping to uncover the secrets that lie within me.

With utmost respect and devotion,


After carefully sealing the letter, Nitiksha entrusted it to a trusted messenger, instructing him to deliver it swiftly to her revered Gurus.

As Nitiksha completed writing her letter, Pritha entered the room, curiosity lighting up her eyes. Sensing Nitiksha's contemplative mood, she approached her with a gentle smile. "Niti, you look worried?"

Nitiksha's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty as she confided in Pritha. "Maa, this dream has left an indelible mark upon my soul.Kulguru said it might be something related to my past. I yearn to know more about it."

Pritha, though concerned, listened attentively to Nitiksha's words. She clasped her hands together, her voice filled with both caution and wisdom. "Niti, it is natural to seek answers and unravel the mysteries that dwell within us. However, we must tread carefully when delving into the depths of our past. Remember, it is the present that shapes our future."

Nitiksha nodded, acknowledging Pritha's words. "I understand your concerns, Maa, but this dream holds a power over me that I cannot ignore."

Pritha sighed softly, her gaze filled with a mixture of fondness and worry. "My Kamalnayani, I shall always stand by your side and support you, even if I don't fully comprehend the depths of your yearning. Just promise me that you will approach this journey with caution and not let it overshadow the blessings of your present life."

Nitiksha reached out, gently touching Pritha's hand, grateful for her unwavering support. "I promise Maa, I shall never lose sight of the present for the past."

Pritha, her apprehension still lingering, leaned closer, her voice filled with a mix of affection and concern. "Remember, my dear, the past is but a shadow. It is the light of the present that illuminates our path. Do not let the quest of answers of the past overshadow the beauty of the present that surrounds you."


Author's Note:

Dear readers,

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Kruti 🥰💖

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