Payu is an angel ❤️

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Next day Rain wakes up and he feels hungry he thinks of going to kitchen and prepare something...

Rain freshen up and goes down to kitchen where Payu was already awake and preparing breakfast...

Payu : Good morning Rain..
Did you sleep well..???

Rain : Yes I slept well...

Payu : I have already prepared breakfast for you as well... common have it...

Rain : Oh I did not want to trouble you...

Payu : That's really fine...

Both were having breakfast..

Payu : Rain can you go to office after 2 days...

Rain : Why Payu..??

Payu : I mean we got married yesterday and today if you go to office that will not look good and my parents will ask me...

So take rest for 2 days then go to office...

Rain : Oh is it... fine then no issue...

After breakfast Payu starts to clean the home..

Rain : You do everything by yourself ah...
Your so rich... don't you have maids here...

Payu : No I don't like to have maids....
I can take care of the home by myself...

Payu continues to clean home...

Rain : Common let me help you...

Rain also tries to help Payu in cleaning home...

It was evening Rain was getting bored in his room....

He gets out of his room and come downstairs to see Payu watching tv in living room...

Rain : Payu where is the nearby supermarket here...

I will go shop some necessary things for me...

Payu : Oh it's nearby you can take a walk and gives directions to Rain...

Rain gets out of the home and goes to the supermarket...

He was shopping and suddenly he bumps into Luke and Pat...

Luke : Oh Rain... the new groom so finally I met you...

Tell me how much did you pay for that guy to act like your husband...

Rain : Am really married to Payu and moreover he is the owner of the company where I work...

Luke : Then what drama your playing...

It's not even 2 weeks of our breakup and you married someone... that's impossible to believe

Anyhow me and Pat will be officially getting married in some days and I will invite you...

You should surely come along with your fake husband....

Saying this Luke hugs Pat's waist and goes away...

Rain felt so bad and also so irritated...

Rain had a close friend in company...
His name is Jose...

He was out of town for a week during Rain's break up time and on the day of wedding he came back to attend Payu and Rain's wedding...

Rain calls Jose...

Rain : Jose where are you...???

Jose : Am at home....

Rain : Come I want to drink...

Rain sends the location and soon Jose comes there...

Rain texts Payu that he met his friend so he will go out and be back home late...

Payu sends Okay...!!!

Rain goes to bar with Jose and starts to drink like crazy...

Jose tries to stop him so many times but Rain keeps on drinking...

It was night and was getting late...

Payu starts to get worried...

After waiting for some more time Payu finally calls Rain..

Rain was so drunk that he couldn't even attend the call...

Jose picks it...

Jose : Hello Phi Payu...
This is Jose Rain's friend...

Rain is drinking non stop in the bar...
Can you come and please take Rain home...

Payu : Sure sure... please send me the location....

Payu soon takes his car key and rushes to the bar...

He thanked Jose and takes Rain home....

After reaching home Rain was not in condition to climb the stairs...

Payu carries him in bridal style and takes Rain to his room...

Soon they reached the room Rain gets down and runs to bathroom...

He starts to vomit...

Listening to Rain Payu quickly rushes inside bathroom and starts to rub Rain's back...

After Rain was done vomiting Payu washes his face and takes Rain back to bedroom...

He gives Rain new clothes to change and makes him to sleep...

Payu caresses Rain hairs...

Rain dozes off soon...

Payu then kisses Rain on the his forehead and leaves the room...

This again happens the next day...

Rain again goes to bar with Jose and starts to drink....The same thing repeats...

Payu again goes to bar and takes Rain home...

This time Rain was so drunk that he vomits completely in Payu's shirt...

But Payu doesn't get angry at all...

He removes his shirt and takes Rain to bathroom and cleans Rain and also himself...

Payu loved taking care of Rain...

Also he starts to get worried as Rain was spoiling his health...

But Payu had no option or rights to ask Rain anything as it was already decided that Rain will live as he wishes...

Payu again makes Rain to sleep on bed tugs the blanket and kisses Rain forehead and leaves....

Rain was able to remember little things what was going on... but couldn't remember properly as he was drunk.....

Note : Is Payu too caring or too good...
Is he worth of getting hurt later...

Comment down your thoughts...!!!

End of chapter..!!!!
Love you all 🤗🤗🤗

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