3. Mi-e dor de tine

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Mi-e dor de tine/ romania
-You can miss a person


The kind 5 years later we deserved but was snatched from Us.
The Epilogue WE DESERVE
Though it's through eyes of AKT.


Aditya Kumar Tripathi looked around the shopping mall. So many things have changed in these 6½ years. After he left his whole family shifted to Nashik and though he has visited India quiet a few times in these years, but this is the first time he stepped in Delhi.

He had came to attend a colleagues wedding. Shaking his head he laughed sardonically, what an irony it was a wedding that pushed him to permanently leave this city, this country, in first place, and it was again a wedding that brought him back here, even though he had promised himself to never return in this city.

Mindlessly he sipped on his tea waiting for his few Foreign colleagues who came for the wedding and wanted to explore Delhi and for some reason he had been volunteered and now they're here on a shopping spree for the wedding and he came up to the Food-Court to have a break from the chaos. He was feeling claustrophobic as everything about this city made him too emotional and too nostalgic.

He was lost in reverie, when his eyes fell on a little girl no older 4 years, happy face mischievous eyes, giggling at something or someone and ducking under table to table for few minutes and then again peeping up - playing a improvised hide and seek. He smiled as he saw her putting her hands on her mouth to suppress her laugh. He couldn't put a finger, as to why this little girl was making him so nostalgic, more than he wanted and wished for.

The sweet little cherubic face of the child was pushing him to remember those parts of his past that he never wants to remember. He couldn't for the sake of everything holy understand why this child is reminding him of HER, HER that one person he wants to forget forever, that one person who have kept him awake for nights, his guilt hasn't left him not even after who knows how many illogical logic he conjured in his mind trying to justify everything. But deep within he knew that he was wrong, he have wronged Her and no matter what he was Her offender.

There were times he couldn't help but imagine all the forbidden What Ifs. What if he believed her? What if he had prioritised her? What if he was brave enough and had confess that fateful incident the moment he returned? But that one What If that kept him awake night after night was - What If they had a future? What If they were family today?

He was lost in his own world when he heard a familiar voice call out a 'Cheeku' followed by peels off child's laughter. He thought he was hallucinating when he heard 'Chimpanzee' - in that same familiar male voice the one that made him hate baritone voices in general.

He turned around to have a better look and saw the back of a Man who had His back towards him, and then He turned and he got the perfect view of His face - HIM, the thorn of his dreams; looking not a single day older than the last time he saw Him aging like a fine wine.

He saw Him bending down and picking up the child and throwing her up in the air and catching her while peels off childish giggles resonating the whole area, filling with a positive vibe; and then he heard the child shouting the most dreaded word - "Amma" towards someone who coming from behind him. And he prayed, hoping against hope that it is not who he was thinking. But hope and reality had a vast difference.

Slowly he turned and lo behold there She was walking towards him as beautiful as ever, maybe even more beautiful than the last time, like the timeless beauty. He couldn't believe his eyes, She was walking towards him, moving in his direction. But unlike before something was very different in her this time, She was different. Her aura was different, stronger that ever that he couldn't tear his eyes away from Her.

Watching Her he felt as if She was gliding or floating towards him, with an air of confidence and authority surrounding her, eyes bright and shining and a serene smile gracing the lips; She was an Angle, a Muse from Heaven above. She looked so happy, genuinely happy and sated.

Seeing Her come towards him, he forwarded his hand towards Her, but She moved past him. She didn't bother to look at him and by-passed him as if he didn't exist in her spectrum; and that's when it registered to him that he was dreaming in broad daylight with his eyes open; and realised somewhere in all these the fine line between wish and realism had blurred for him and for a few second he forgot. He looked on.

His eyes following her and it finally sank in his heart that She wasn't moving towards him, his presence didn't even get registered in Her mind. In reality She was actually moving towards Her Soulmate, Her Destiny, Her Daughter, Her Family.

Reaching them She embraced Her Husband and Daughter; Her Family and leaned down to kiss Her Giggly Child, cocooned in the safety of her father's arms. He also witnessed Her Husband, HIM, leaning down to kiss Her Crown - finally completing the canvas of Wholesomeness; the Complete Happy Family, cocooned in their own world, far and safe from the cacophony of the world around, holding their baby in-between them and shielding her from everything and everyone, a Family in every true sense.

There is an old saying that he had come to believe that you only yearn for someone only after you truly loose them and he had lost Her due to his ego and while being a bullhead. But right now he got all the answers, and the ultimate closure that he never knew he needed. It finally sank in that She was never his to loose, he was just a pathway to ultimately lead Her to Her destiny, towards Her one True Soulmate, the only one apart from Her Father who had always uphold Her and kept Her in high regard, who was brave enough to even digest the fact that She could be more successful than Him, strong enough to single-handedly fight with the whole world without any support because She was His Only Faith; and no-one in this world was above Her. Try as he might but he never had these quantities as his male pride and ego always played a part in everything, and nothing was ever unconditional from his side. Unlike the bond they THEY had always shared, there had never been a conditional bond between THEM and maybe that's why They were meant to be.

He felt a little twinge to finally accept this reality but on large he was relieved; like a burden was lifted of from his shoulders and now it was time to truly move on. He for the last time looked back at the happy family enjoying their time, lost in their own world. He smiled a genuine smile looking at them, as, for the first time it didn't pain to see Her with Him. Turning around he walked out of the Food-Court and towards the future that he had put on hold for the last 6½ years.


A/N: Hey lovely people how are you all doing here's another OS read and enjoy. Also let me know your opinion on it.

Also do give me suggestions on the what I should write the OS on.

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