- two

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S2 , E2

"Eggs" Steve placed the plate in front of Ellie with a smile.

Those were not eggs. They were brown. Actually closer to black.

"I'm not eating those" Ellie said looking down at the plate. Steve stopped walking and turned to Ellie "I worked really hard on those" he said placing a hand on his hip.

"Maybe a Little to hard" Ellie mumbled stabbing the eggs with her fork. "What does that even mean" Steve asked as he walked towards the fridge "it means that they are black. Eggs are supposed to be like yellow" Ellie said watching the boy pull a carton of milk out of the fridge.

"It's Halloween! They're dressed up!" Steve said happily "as what? Shit?" Ellie pushed the plate away as she leaned back in her chair "Just get me some cereal" Steve rolled his eyes before walking over to the cabinet and grabbing a box of cereal.

"Enjoy" he said throwing the box at her. "I will, thank you" Ellie said mimicking Steve's tone.

Before Ellie poured her cereal she glanced up at the clock, her eyes went wide as she read the time, they were almost half an hour late for school. Ellie mumbled a bunch of curse words as she stood up "we're late" Ellie told Steve before running towards the racks by the door and grabbing her bags.

"Oops" Steve mumbled as he walked by her.

Thanks to Steve speeding, Ellie had made it to her first class only 5 minutes late, it wasn't really a class she liked because she was alone, at least she was until today

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Thanks to Steve speeding, Ellie had made it to her first class only 5 minutes late, it wasn't really a class she liked because she was alone, at least she was until today.

Ellie sat in the back of the class like usual scribbling random things into her notebook. She wasn't much of an artist but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy it.

"You like to draw?" Ellie quickly turned her head to the voice from besides her. Max. "Uh, yeah sorta" Ellie mumbled dropping her pencil down on the table.

"You're really good at it" Max said glancing down at the paper. Ellie couldn't see her face but she knew if she could it would be glowing red. "I wouldn't say that" Ellie laughed fiddling with the collar of her shirt.

"I really like it. It's a butterfly right?" Max asked looking back down at the paper. Ellie sucked in a short breath "actually it's a crab" max looked back up at her, confused. "I'm just kidding. It's butterfly" Ellie said with a short laugh, which quickly paused when she heard max, also laughing. How is she so perfect.

The moment quickly stopped once they heard the bell. Ellie let out a sigh closing her note book and putting it in her bag. Her eyes flung up to max's seat as she heard a loud clap.

LOVE GROWS , Max mayfield Where stories live. Discover now