- six

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S2 , E6
(Not proofread)

Somehow Steve and Ellie found Dustin and Josie. One moment Ellie was waiting for Steve to apologize to Nancy then come back and finish explaining but instead he was gone for only half a minute before he was back into the car with Josie and Dustin following.

Dustin then went on a rant about having a problem with dart, the blob that was supposed to be missing, and that he needed someone's help and Steve just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Wait a sec. How big?" Steve asked breaking the long silence.

"First it was like that." Dustin said holding up his hands "Now he's like this." Spreading his hands further apart.

There was a pause

"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?" Steve yelled denying Dustin's theory.

"It's not a lizard." Dustin and Josie snapped back. "How do you know?" Steve quickly said glancing at the two in the back.

"How do I know if it's not?" Dustin asked in an 'are you serious tone'

"How do you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve repeated his question with a little more explanation.

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat." Ellie's eyes went wide as she fully turned around to look at the boy "what."

The car stopped and the group stepped out of the car each walking towards the trunk where Steve now stood holding a bat with a bunch of nails in it.

"What is That" Ellie asked staring at the bat. Steve looked over at Ellie his mouth slightly open "it's a bat".

"Yeah no shit. I mean like, why do you have it, where did you get it" Ellie stuttered out.

Steve looked over at dustin hopping the child would have an answer, only for the boy to shrug his shoulder and step back.

Steve then turned back to Ellie a small grin on his face "non of your business"

"He got it from Nancy" Josie said from behind her. Ellie turned to looked at the girl "how do you know that" Ellie asked, Josie pointed to dustin "dustin told me"

Ellie glanced over at Steve the two sharing a knowing look before Ellie went back to the subject "like your girlfriend Nancy" Ellie asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ex-girlfriend" dustin cut in as the group began walking over to Dustin's underground shed (I forgot what they are called).

Ellie now raised her eyebrows looking back at Steve "when did that happen" she asked walking a little faster to catch up with him "a few days ago" he mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me" Ellie asked as the group stopped at the doors. Steve placed his hand over her mouth whispering that she 'has to be quiet so it doesn't hear them'.

The group was quiet for a moment all trying to hear it.

"I don't hear shit" Steve spoke up "he's in there" dustin said stepping closer to the older boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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