- five

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S2 , E5
(Warning: not proofread)

Ellie stared at the machine in front of her confused. Josie had dragged her to the arcade and was now playing one of the games Ellie didn't know.

"I don't get it" Ellie said leaning against the side of the machine Josie rolled her eyes looking over at Ellie "of course you don't, the only game in here you know is pack-man" Josie laugh before going back to her game.

Ellie let out a sigh standing up straight, Josie wasn't wrong. "Im gonna go play pack-man" Ellie told the girl before walking off. When she got there there was already a kid there. Which didn't surprise her, it was a popular game.

Ellie stepped back leaning against the wall as she waiting for the boy to give up. She had no idea how long that would take, but she was willing to wait...

Until she saw max.

Ellie's heart skipped a beat when her eyes caught on the girl flowing red hair "max" she said leaning off the wall. Max quickly turned over to Ellie, her annoyed looked changing to a worried look as she glanced outside.

Max let out a quiet sigh of relief when she noticed that the blue car was gone, then she turned back to Ellie this time looking happy.

"Hey Ellie, what are you doing here" max asked as the brunette walked towards her "Josie wanted to come and play her games" Ellie said pointing in the direction Josie was.

"That your game?" Ellie then pointed to the game in front of the two that had a sign hanging on it that said 'out of order'.

Max glanced back at the game behind her then looking back at the girl "yep" the girl said popping the 'p'.

"That sucks" Ellie sighed "sorry about that, Road warrior" Keith said randomly appearing from behind them "what happened" max asked looking over at the boy "short circuit in the motherboard. A real bummer" Keith said slapping the machine.

"But fret not. I got another machine up and running in the back" he said shoving more of his chips in his mouth.

As the two began to walk off max paused and turned to Ellie "you coming" she asked waiting for a reply "uh, sure, yeah. Why not" Ellie said walking over to her as max began to start walking again.

"Hold these" Keith Said forcefully shoving his bag of chips in lot Ellie's hands, Ellie looked away from max and towards the boy about ready to smack him with the chips before Ellie heard Maxs laugh.

Her laugh.

"What" Ellie asked the girl "nothing" max laughed looking down for a moment before looking back up at the brunette "it's was just your face" max laughed causing Ellie to squeeze her eye brows together "what do you mean" she said confused "I mean like" she paused looking around "it was kinda cute" max mumbled loud enough for Ellie to heard, but quiet enough so that no one else did.

Eventually Keith opened the revealing Lucas. Ellie let out a groan turned to max who looked mad but she still willingly walked into the room, Ellie following short behind.

"You better get me that date now, Sinclair" Keith said confusing Ellie, but honestly she didn't even wanna know. "I told you I would" Lucas said annoyed. Keith threw his hand up making tons of weird noises "and keep things PG in here, alright" gross.

LOVE GROWS , Max mayfield Where stories live. Discover now