First Kiss

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Credits to SecretJonatelloShipper
Donnie and Casey had only started dating for about a month. Today on the turtles mutation day, itself. Casey has decided to give Donnie the best present a mutant could ask for.

This a few months before the last two chapters. Also sorta my contribution to the Tmnt 2012 anniversary coming up in 10 days!

It was the turtles 21st birthday, they were no longer Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Just Mutant Ninja Turtles.

It would be no different, a party with their closest friends and partners. Their big sister Karai making it her mission to embarrass, April trying to buy a pizza shaped cake, and finally Casey Jones( with Renet's and Mona's help) trying to figure out just what to give his turtle boyfriend.

"Maybe some new tools?" Renet suggested.

"Nah, that's to basic! Dee has like a gazillion!"

Mona snickered, "I don't believe that is actual number, Casey Jones"

"Oh ya know what I mean! This is his 21st, I... I want it to be the best!"

"Then maybe you should stop panicking and do some proper thinking" Mona said, "Maybe a romantic outing?

"Nah, he be expecting that! God, why is this so hard?!" Casey groaned as he slammed his head on the table.

"No offense but your making it hard! Donatello doesn't want anything to fancy! He'll love it if it's straight from the heart!"

Casey looked at the ground then poked his head up at Renet's final words, "I know what to get him!" He grabbed his jacket and his bag, running out of the lair, "Thanks Ladies!! See you tonight!"

"Bye Jones!"

"Goodbye Casey Jones"

Casey ran into a local grocery store, he walked over to the party aisle and grabbed a bunch of items that were necessary for the present then immediately ran back to his shared apartment.

He ran into his room, saying a quick hello to his roommate then slammed and locked his door, dumping all the stuff onto his bed.

"Let's get to work!"

A few hours had passed and it was time for the party, the lair was filled with guests, music, lights, balloons, and presents surrounding the cake.

"This is awesome!!" Mikey cheered, he hugged his three brothers.

"Hell yeah!!" Raph snickered and patted his head, he looked at Donnie, "Ah, cheer up, Don! Case is probably just running late"

"But the party started over an hour ago... I hope everything's okay.." Donnie mumbled, he pulled out his phone to message Casey again but Leo snatched his phone away.

"No, it's our birthday and Casey will be fine! He has the durability as a rabid dog"


"Chillax, dude! Come on, let's go play some games!"

Donnie sighed then smiled, "Fine, deal me in"

Everyone else continued to party, play games, drink, or just have conversations that is until April walked up to Donnie, tapping his shoulder.

"Hmm? Oh! What's up, April" Donnie smiled as he turned to look at her.

"Hey Dee, do you mind going outside for a minute? There's a surprise just for you!"

Donnie raised his nonexistent eyebrow but nodded, he began to leave the lair, giving some lame excuse then had a confused look as he saw Casey leaning against the wall just outside of the lair.

"Casey? What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I wanted to give you your present but it has to be... Alone"

Donnie blushed, his mind swirling with possibilities. Some more... Filthier than others.


"Yeah, but first close your eyes"

Donnie looked at him even more confused but he agreed and closed his eyes. Allowing Casey to take his hand, leading him out of the sewers.

"Casey, if this is a prank I swear to god, I'll-!"

"Hey, relax! Don't ya trust me?"

Donnie sighed, keeping his eyes closed, "I do"

"Good, now Shh, we're almost there"

Then as suddenly as they left, they stopped on a rooftop. Casey gently let go of Donnie's hand and turned him to face the other direction.

"Open your eyes!"

Donnie shook his head then opened his eyes, gasping quietly as he saw the sunset, reflecting of the ocean.

"Whoa... It's beautiful"

Casey smiled, "Glad we caught a good evening, it's usually sad and gloomy"

Donnie snickered, he turned around and heard music playing, "Casey, what are you..."

Casey stuck his hand out, with a cocky grin, he said, "May I have this dance, sweetness?"

Donnie felt his entire brain shut off, "I... Um... Y-Yes! But... I... Don't... Know how... to.. Um"

"Hey, Shh, I'll teach ya" Casey held his hand, he placed Donnie's arms around his neck while he placed his hands on his waist, he used his phone to turn up the volume on the speaker as the two began to dance.

🎶Look how she lights up the sky🎶

The two danced slowly, Casey looking up at Donnie, admiring how his beautiful olive skin and rust-brown eyes glowed as the sun hit it.

🎶Ma Belle Evangeline~So far above me yet I... Know her heart belongs to only me~🎶

Donnie looked at Casey, he turned red as he followed his steps, smiling softly.

🎶Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline~You're my queen of the night~ So still... So bright~🎶

"You know, I've wanted to do this with you for so long" Casey said, he smiled.

"Do what?"

"Dance with ya"

🎶That someone as beautiful as she... Could love someone like me~🎶

🎶 Love always finds a way it's true! And I love you, Evangeline~🎶

Donnie gasped as the trumpets from the song began to play, suddenly Casey climbed onto the ledge of the roof so that he could dip Donnie properly.

🎶Love is beautiful! 🎶

Donnie froze as Casey looked down at him with a smirk.

🎶Love is wonderful!🎶

Casey smirked, he used one arm to pick up Donnie's long leg and wrap it around his waist, and used the other to support his shell.

🎶Love is everything, do you agree? Mais oui!🎶

Donnie gasped quietly, he deep down knew were this was heading but... He wanted it to so he didn't even bother to stop it.

🎶Look how she lights up the sky...~🎶

The two leaned closer to each other as the sunset hit them just right...

🎶I love you, Donatello~🎶

The two kissed as the sun finally set... What a way to end a birthday.

Jonatello oneshots I found on ao3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin