First time

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Credits to SecretJonatelloShipper
Casey was sitting on the couch, he had the remote in one hand while Donnie lay on his chest, their legs tangled with each other's as they watched a Sci-Fi movie.

Casey looked down at Donnie as the turtle grabbed a hand full of popcorn, eyes glued to the screen, he smiled as he took in every inch of Donnie laid on top of him. He placed his other hand around his shell onto his hip, he continued staring at him.

I mean, how could he not? In his eyes, Donatello was both beauty and brawn.

Donnie's big russet brown eyes were gorgeous, especially when the light shined on them, making them glow, his gap tooth was adorable whenever he smiled, and his long legs were the hottest thing about him. Casey would always watch as Donnie practiced flips and other moves during training, the great thing about his long legs is that they made him flexible.

And goddammit, Casey wanted to see how flexible Donnie is. He knows that the turtle had practiced many dances since their first kiss, although Donnie claims it was only for training purposes. (But seriously, who is he fooling?)

Casey hadn't even realized that he was staring at Donnie for so long that the turtle began to notice.

Donnie turned to look at him, "You know, the movie is on the TV, right?" He snarked, giving Casey a grin as he sat up on his lap.

"Hey, I got something better to watch right here" Casey chuckled, he held onto Donnie by his waist as he kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, Yeah, the movie was getting boring anyways" Donnie chuckled as Casey continued kissing his cheek until eventually, he made it to his lips.

The two kissed, it was soft that is until Casey pulled Donnie closer. His grip on his hips tightened as Donnie wrapped his arms around his neck, Casey began to gently set Donnie down on his back as their kiss turned heated.

Donnie churred as Casey stuck his tongue in his mouth, causing him to pull him even closer.

A few minutes went by before the two finally pulled away. Casey took a gasp of air as he looked down at his boyfriend, his cheeks began to flush as he saw Donnie's dazed look on his face.

"W-Whoa, what brought that on?" Donnie asked, he panted rapidly as he leaned forward slightly.

"I.. um" Casey began to blush harder, he bit his lip as he sat back.

"Casey? Are you okay?" Donnie leaned towards him, he cupped his cheek.

Casey looked into those russet brown eyes, he smiled at him as he kissed his hand, "Everything is fine, Cariño, It's just... Okay, I wanna tell you an idea that I had, okay?"

Donnie looked at him with a skeptical look, "Oo... Kay, go ahead"

Well, that's one step in the right direction.

Casey looked at Donnie, he was trying to think of a way to say it, he can't just blurt it out and say, "Hey, Wanna go to the room and touch each other's dicks?"

No. That would not have been the reaction he was looking for, instead, he choose the alternative.

Casey held his hand, "Donnie, you know I love you, right babe?"

"Yes... I love you too"

"And you know that I wouldn't do anything you hurt you"

"Casey, where is this going?"

"What I'm trying to say... We've been dating for a while and I'm totally cool with taking things slow and shit! I just... Lately, I've been... Wanting other things" Casey cringed as stopped talking, he looked at Donnie, hoping for a good reaction.

Jonatello oneshots I found on ao3Where stories live. Discover now