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I woke up at four o'clock in the morning and stretched before heading downstairs to grab a drink. I noticed the light in the kitchen on and quietly walked into the room to see Alyssa reaching up into the cupboard to retrieve a cup. I walked up behind her grabbing the bottom of her shirt pulling it over her ass. 

"Why are you just wearing a shirt and panties when there's guards just outside the glass door?" I reached up and grabbed the glass she was reaching for and handed it to her. 

"I forgot" I licked my lip and tilted my head slightly in disbelief and watched as she looked in the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and waited for her to go back up to her room to follow behind her. 



"I'll be in my office if you need me" She just nodded her head before shutting her door and I walked into my office. I tried my hardest to focus on the tons of emails, but all I could think about was how her sweet ass was half exposed. I cleared my throat and focused in on work with Alyssa lingering in the back of my mind.

Alyssa's POV~ 

I woke up around five o'clock and twisted and turned, trying to fall back asleep but failed. I heard soft talking coming from down the hall and opened my door. I noticed Matteo's office door cracked open with the light on. I made my way to the door and listened as he spoke in another language. I peeked in and he was sitting in his chair with his desk phone to his ear. He was typing away at his computer and didn't notice he was being watched, so I slid past the door and made my way into his room. I walked into his closet and grabbed one of his casual t-shirts. I slid it over my head and walked into his office. He looked up for a second before looking back at his computer, but then did a double take looking back at me. 

"Is that my shirt?" He said out loud with the phone still at his ear making the person he was talking to ask what he had said. I straddled his lap and laid my head on his shoulder while his hand hesitantly fell to my ass. 

"What shirt are you talking about?" The person on the call had asked completely clueless about what was happening on our side of the line. 

"Hold on," Matteo put the call on hold and rubbed my back to get my attention. "Ally? What's wrong?" 

"I can't sleep" 

"Do you want to try to sleep on my lap? I have a few more calls to make, unless you just want me to go back to bed with you?" I nodded in response and he repeated the last suggestion and I nodded again. He returned to the call and went back to speaking in another language. I ran my fingers through his hair while waiting and earning some hums from him. He set the phone down and easily stood up with me in his arms. He adjusted his grip on me, making me squeal and he chuckled while he carried me into his room. He gently sat me on his bed and unbuttoned his shirt. Thoughts ran through my head and I quickly looked away trying to get those thoughts out of my head. I got under his covers and put my hair into a low ponytail while he climbed into bed as well. He laid on his back with his arm held out to me and I threw my leg over his waist and laid my head on his chest. 

"Thank you" 

"Anything for you, sweet girl" I snuggled into his chest and his hand wrapped around my waist while his other rubbed my thigh gently. I felt his lips gently press against my forehead before falling into a deep sleep. 

"Yes, I know. Look, we can talk about it when I get there, alright?" I rolled over curling into his chest and neck earning a kiss on my shoulder before he slid out from underneath me.

"Where are you going?" I fluttered my eyes open trying to adjust to the light and he rubbed my arm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you. The guys at work wanted to meet up to talk about something. Just go back to sleep, I'll be home later" I watched as he got dressed and gave me a small smile before heading out the door. I looked at the clock and questioned what meeting was so early, but eventually rolled back over to sleep. 

Matteo's POV~

"We couldn't have done this another day?" I said as I cocked a bullet into the chamber of my gun. The guys raised their brows at the sudden change in spirit when I usually love to get into action. 

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I rolled my eyes at their unamusing joke and paid attention to the street. 

"If she sees me covered in blood she's going to flip" 

"I thought she knew what you did" 

"Well she does, she just hasn't seen me in or post-action" I watched as our target walked out of the coffee shop down the street. 

"Have you fucked yet?" 

"Pay attention to the mission, perverted fuck" The question sent my mind racing back to when she was in the kitchen and ended up on my lap that night.  

"Says the man whore" I sent him a death glare before scanning the street once more.

"That's not who I am anymore, I want to keep Alyssa" They finally shut the fuck up and were focused on our mission even though my mind was wondering what she was doing. How was she doing? Is she bored? Does she miss me? Is she in trouble? 

"Grab him!" The door flung open and one of my guys rushed out grabbing our target to pull him into the van. I smashed the handle of my gun against his head instantly knocking him out. 

"Alright, tie the fucker up" I slunk into the passenger seat as we started heading back home and kept watch over our special guest in the mirror. I'm just hoping we can sneak past the house and Alyssa don't see me. 

"I can't wait to watch his reaction when he wakes up and realizes who has him" They laughed and started joking about their ideas on how to torture him while I sat thinking of how Alyssa tortured me wearing only a shirt and panties last night. I readjusted my position as I started to get hard from thinking about her and started to get frustrated. 

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