Chapter 3. Husbands

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Shattered Yet Strong
Chapter 3. Husbands.

/* I wont mention, its still Tee POV*/

It was the day. The day when i had to embrace a new life. When i had to be a part of someone's else life, or let him be a part of my life. Though i wish it never happen. I was sad? Nervous? No i was empty inside. Like a formality, i let dad do anything he wants.

A court marriage? Okay.
Greet people. Okay.
Sign the documents. Okay.

What else? Oh yes, take my bag with essentials, because the rest of some improtant stuff was already arranged at his place. I just had to take one bag and acocmpany him in his car to his house. Well, he did say, Our Home. *Duh. Like it is even happening*. I scoffed internally.

I just had seen him once, while waiting beside the car and he hug my dad. I could see him practically glowing with happiness. His eyes were sparkling with diamond dust. He was wearing a silver golden suit like mine. Actually, i was wearing one like him, because yes it was a gift from him. He was broad. His broad shoulders, his strong arms. I was pale than him, but he was more pink.

I couldnt see him more as he looked at me and smiled a bit. I wasnt shy, but kind of embarrassed. He must be thinking how desperate i was. He took the driving seat after bidding goodbye to my dad and gave me a few moments of privacy.

'I know you are angry with me. Or disappointed. But trust me just once, he is the one for you. He wont hurt you, he wont use you. I hope you will be happy once you open your heart for him'. He hug me gently whispering in my ears. And i was as robotic as i was previously.

The drive was nice. Silent but not uncomfortable. Atleast not for him. I saw under my lashes, the way his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, like dancing on the music. Or how sometimes he would sing along.

The journey was almost an hour. I didnt know i fell asleep. May be he was this calm that i felt a calm seeping.

'Wake up Tee'. I heard a faint voice and a little shaking. Furrowing my brows i tried to shake the feeling. But again, a little tap on my knee made sure that i wasnt dreaming. I opened my eyes and quickly jolted away on the seat as i found myself laying on his shoulder.

'I.. I am sorry'. I was embarrassed. But he smiled sweetly.

'Its okay. We are home. Come'. He opened his seat belt followed by me and let a make house keeper take my bag from me and went inside.

He opened the door for me and i was mesmerized by the interior. It was a huge place. A mansion. A big fucking villa..

Decorated in fawn, warm browns, a big chandelier illuminating the whole lounge.

There was an old style fire place with shelves, crystals and books. The big windows at the side were opening to a big garden outside. Flowers and little animals running around. Rabbits, hamsters. Lots of birds. Colors.

He was standing looking at me with interest. I was exploring it on my own. Like my body had a mind of its own. The side wall was partially covered with LCD and the rest with pictures. I saw him and another boy. More or less his age. I turned silently and took a step aside to find him standing near me.

'My brother. The only family i have'. He told me. I nodded my head without saying a word.

I walked ahead and there were two bedrooms. Fully furnished. One belonged to his brother, because it was decorated with his pictures and trophies.

'He likes to play basket ball. A lot'. He chuckled. We were about to explore more when the maid came to announce that dinner was served.

'Come. The dinnner is served. You can explore in the morning'. He held my hand for the first time. I felt it weird. Slightly pulling my hand i walked ahead. But yes i saw him scratching his head with a smile.

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