Chapter 22. Going Home

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Shattered Yet Strong.

Chapter 22. Going Home.


"Hmmmm. I know i dont want to step into that house. The place that replaced the beautiful memories into the most horrific one. But i will manage it somehow, but let me ask you. Can you live there"? Mew turned to Gulf and this time he was silent. He had no answer to it. He didnt think about it to be honest.

"But its for Aya.....".

"Come on Gulf. You know me. If i have to, i can pull Ayaan out of all this mess and would give a shit to what Tae would say or do. Why to go there"? Mew said in a matter of fact tone. Gulf was just looking at him. He was right. Mew could easily pull Ayaan and Tee out and especially when he knew Tae doesnt care about Tee and Ayaan. Then why to go there?

Gulf gulped lowering his gaze. Mew sighed sitting up with the bed head a bit.

"What is going on in your mind Gulf? Am not against if it is your decision, but promise me, if you felt uncomfortable for even a single moment, you will tell me and we will leave the place at once. Done"? He asked Gulf pulling his chin up.


"You want me to talk to Tae right"? Mew smiled a tired smile.

"And i want to properly close everything". Gulf said with a determination.

"There is nothing left between me and them Gulf".

"Mew.. Please".

"Okay okay calm down. I will go there. We will end the chapter once and for all okay". Mew pulled him to his chest. "Talk to Tee what he says". Gulf nodded. For now he was at peace to be in his safe place.

"Uncle. I want to see uncle". Ayaan was crying for last half hour begging Tee to meet Mew. Tee did promise him but he was waiting for him to finish the soup and he had messaged Gulf to know if it was safe to meet Phi Mew. He had not received a message yet.

"Baby we will go and meet him but finish the soup first". Tee said trying to coax him. He was tired and restless for past 3 days. He wanted to sleep. He was irritated. And now Ayaan was making it more difficult.

"Enough Ayaan.. If...".

"Enough". Tee was froze on his place hearing the cold voice behind his back. He closed his eyes.

"Uncleee". Ayaan was in tears. He wanted to meet Mew and Tee scolded him even if he didnt intent to. 

Mew asked Gulf to wheel him to Ayaan. He just got free from his morning routine and asked the doctor if he could meet Ayaan. He was advised to use a wheelchair. His blood boiled to hear Tee almost yelling at Ayaan.

"Hey buddy. How you doing"? He stood up with the help of Gulf and laid beside Ayaan on the bed taking him in his arms.

"I... I wanted to meet you... Da.. Daddy scolded me". He was full blown crying by now. He softly wiped his tears, making him lay properly on him before turning to Tee.

"Gulf. Take him to your office. Make him sleep. I will be here. Kids will come soon too. I know you are tired and upset but thats not his fault to yell at. I wont repeat, if Ayaan ever asks for me, just bring him to me. No more questions". Mew said in a calm voice but Tee knew he was angry. He hung his head low shedding tears. He was regretting shouting at Ayaan.

"Dadaaa". They heard Rinny and Rikka peeking through the door and smiled insitantly when Mew nodded his head for them to come inside. All four kids were brought in by Bright and Win who had brought food for all.

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