Entry 2

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I actually can't believe what I've gone through sometimes.
It makes me want to raise my standards even higher. For example... today.
I have been off sixth form today because I'm I'll and I know she probably means well, this poor girl, but she texted me asking if I was ok, claiming she was scared I wasn't in and asked me why I was off. So of course, I told her I was fine and that I had an appointment. The next thing, this girl is trying to nose and ask me about what the appointment was for! Like I don't have to tell you my whole life story... (although I do to many people)
And then I go on to get a message from my boyfriend. 'Shes saying she's worried because your not talking to her' i was like bitch please I've only just read AND replied to her messages because I was at work. YES I AM AUTISTIC AND HAVE BRAIN INJURY AND YES INDEED I AM EMPLOYED!
So anyway that was how my day went. I got home from work, drained and burnt out and then I saw that message. Why are people like this out of the blue?  It's just so silly. I know I get attached to people but I don't ask them personal details like appointment topics!

TheAutisticJournals Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora