Entry 3 - overestimated and underestimated but never estimated

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'You won't pass your GCSE's' we're the very words that ripped me to the core and made me rethink my entire life and it's decisions. It left me feeling hollow and glued to my parents home, it left me feeling dependant on everyone else, and I was sick of it. These words were said by a neuroscientist. That makes it worse.
I had gone to an appointment to discuss coping strategies and memory techniques for GCSE's due to my memory loss and brain damage.
'You won't pass. You might as well accept it now and give up doing all this revision in your spare time' her exact words.
But do you know what?
I didn't let that break me. I didn't let it stop me. I thought about the long summer ahead after my GCSES. And decided to completely nail my GCSE's. And actually I did. I passed with flying colours, and it may have been due to covid or it could've been due to the endless hours of work I put in, but at the end of the day I passed.
One year I was overestimated. I was wearing a lanyard at the time, it had laminated pieces of paper on it, for my timetable and passwords.
I had a meeting with ELSA. They told me 'you would look normal without a lanyard or hearing aid, why can't we just give you a normal timetable like everyone else?' And that's when it broke me.
So after years of being overestimated and underestimated, for once I just want to be estimated. And you know what you can estimate? That I will commit to writing this journal until there is no more injustice in my life. Therefore... this is going to be longer than the Oxford dictionary.... 

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