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Alexis threw on a black latex top that was showing her tattoos and was very revealing before putting on some booty shorts then did her hair and makeup before heading downstairs as she hugged buddy from behind he turned around and kissed her lips seeing her outfit " wow you look amazing " he said gently placing kisses on her neck before she smiked " alright I'm going out with Liv, Charlotte, Kota and Mandy " she said grabbing her phone, purse and spray he smiled nodding before kissing her lips " alright be safe my love " he said Alexis left getting in the car and drove to the mall when she got there she met up with the others " hey girls! " she said happily Charlotte looked at her " goddamn I knew you were sexy but I didn't know you were this sexy! " she teased as Alexis laughed Liv and the others agreed with Charlotte walking inside looking around they laughed

Rhea was at home dealing with her injury she pouted crossing her arms " i wanna move! " she said to him as Dom shook his head " no your not you already fucked up your knee you don't need anything else hurt " he said and kissed her head she huffed " whatever " she mumbled to herself Dominik giggled and kissed her cheek holding her close, Buddy had taken Alex to the arcade to keep him entertained while Alexis was out; Alexis was walking with Liv and the others men were staring at them but she was wearing her engagement ring heading into hottopic checking out some clothes and jewelry laughing with her Liv she bent down as a man rubbed up behind she quickly yelled shoving him back " bro what the fuck! " she said to them shaking her head leaving the store with Liv " fucking creep! " she yelled walking with Liv as buddy called " hey babe how's Alex? " she asked happily Buddy answered " he's good just playing some game " he answered Alexis smiled " good that's good well imma continue with my friends see ya when I get home bye I love you " she said putting her phone in her purse and went to grab something to eat with everyone happily after awhile they decided to go and grab drinks all laughing

Rhea got up on her crutches walking herself to the kitchen Dominik quickly rushed to her " what do you need baby I can get it " he kissed her head smiling as Rhea pouted placing her weight " I've got it I'm not handicapped permanently " she said she didn't like being treated like a little girl dom sat her back down " I don't care knowing your clumsy ass your gonna hurt yourself even more then you did " he said " now tell me what you want and I'll make it " he told her as she huffed " I want vegemite toast " she said mumbling Dom smiled and kissed her head " Okay I can make that " he said toasting the bread before getting the vegemite out.

Liv Charlotte Kota and Mandy were drinking heavily the only one that wasn't was Alexis she made sure to text their rides to get them before she headed back to her car all of her friends were safe and sound she drove home when she got home she knocked and headed inside shutting the door behind her and locking it the house was quiet she went to the bathroom undoing everything and hopping a shower washing off everything getting out throwing on a long shirt and some shorts before heading to the bedroom seeing buddy laying down asleep she slowly got into the bed pulled him close he grunted slightly she slept along with him.

Rhea was eating her toast happily and drinking her water she smiled softly watching her show as Dom sat beside her pulling her close rubbing her thigh and just pampering her completely until she was healed and ready to wrestle again

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