Beauty and the Beast Part 3

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The sun is fresh on the horizon, and Katsuki and Tenko are already up working on the garden. A whine disturbs them. They look up to find Dynamight, thirsty and exhausted.
Shigaraki: "Dynamight?"
Katsuki strokes the horse's neck as he drinks deeply from the trough.
Bakugou: "What happened? Where is the old man?!"
They both go still, noticing Dynamight's torn straps and tattered reins. In dread, their gaze darts to the woods.
Bakugou: "Take me to him!"
Shigaraki: "No! I can't loose you too Suki!"
Mina: "Now that is some brotherly love!"
Bakugou and Shigaraki stare at the screen, wishing they could have that in their universe as well.
Mitsuki and Masaru give each other knowing stares.
Bakugou: "I have to!" He hops onto Dynamight and Dynamight gallops away towards the fallen tree they encountered earlier.
Katsuki races through the enchanted woods, coming upon Masaru's tipped over wagon. He sees the broken inventions laying in the dirt.
With a mix of apprehension and determination, Katsuki sets his jaw, and continues the gallop until the path brings him towards the castle.

The screen then shows as Katsuki reaches the castle. Katsuki dismounts Dynamight. Finding a thick branch, he wields it like a club, then bravely crosses to the castle and enters.
Club held high, ready to defend himself, Katsuki cautiously eases the door open and peeks inside.
The atmosphere of the castle presses in on Katsuki. Creepy dragon statues on the staircase seem like they're watching. Eerie shadows stretch down impossibly long hallways.
Deku: "Look, Iida. A beautiful boy, he looks our age!"
Iida: "I can see it's a boy. I lost my hands, not my eyes."
Everyone laughs.
Denki: "I never thought I would see the day that Iida was sarcastic!"
Deku: "But what if he is the one? The one who will break the spell?"
The shippers: "He is!"
TodoBaku blush.
Katsuki reacts. Quickly moves towards the voices.
Bakugou: "Who said that? Who's there?"
Katsuki reaches the spot where he heard the voices. No one there. Only a clock and candelabra. Suddenly, a cough echoes through the castle. Katsuki grabs the candelabra and climbs a long staircase. The clock shudders with dread.

Katsuki follows the cough up a labyrinth of stairs until he reaches the dark prison tower and a iron door.
Bakugou: "Old man!? Is that you?"
Katsuki sees Masaru through a grate in the door. He looks terribly pale and sick, coughing.
The Bakugou family look at the other Masaru with worry. Mitsuki holds his hand tight.
Masaru: "Katsuki? How did you find me!?"
Katsuki puts the candelabra down and clutches his hands.
Bakugou: "Oh, your hands are ice. We need to get you home."
Masaru: "Katsuki, you must leave here at once. This castle is alive! Now go, before he finds you!"
Bakugou: "Who?!"
The beast roars. Katsuki spins quickly, swinging his club to strike, but the figure jumps onto another staircase. Katsuki searches the shadows. The voice circles him.
Bakugou: 'Who's there? Who are you?"
Todoroki: "Who are you?"
Bakugou: "I've come for my old man."
Todoroki: "Your father is a thief."
Bakugou: "Liar!"
Todoroki: "HE STOLE A ROSE."
In Katsuki's wide eyes, you can see his guilt.
Bakugou: "I asked for the rose. Punish me, not him!"
Masaru: "No, he means forever. Apparently that's what happens around here when you pick a flower."
Bakugou: "A life sentence for a rose?
Mina: "That does seem too extra."
Todoroki: "I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now... do you still wish to take your father's place?"
Bakugou: "Come into the light."
The shippers: "Yes let him see his lover!"
Bakugou blushes and growls.
The figure remains still. Katsuki grabs hold of Deku and thrusts the candle forward, illuminating a hideous horned face. Katsuki's eyes go wide as he clearly sees the beast. The only part of him that seems human are his eyes. Heterochromatic, a deep silver and blue flicked with pain when he sees Katsuki's revulsion.
Todoroki: "CHOOSE!"
Masaru: "Katsuki, I won't let you do this. I lost your mother. I won't lose you too. Now go!"
Masaru falls into a terrible coughing fit.
Bakugou: "Alright, old man. I will leave." To the beast, he said: "I need a minute alone with him."
The beast doesn't respond.
Bakugou: "Are you so cold-hearted that you won't allow a son to wish his father goodbye? Forever can spare a minute!"
Intrigued by his defiance, the beast moves toward him, reaching out with his massive paw. Katsuki closes his eyes, bracing himself for his retaliation. Instead, he hears -- clang.
Katsuki opens his eyes to find himself eye to eye with the beast's chest. He has reached high above his head to pull down an iron lever, unlocking the door.
Todoroki: "When this door closes, it will not open again."
Katsuki rushes in and embraces his father.
Bakugou: "I should have been with you."
Masaru: "Katsuki, listen to me. It's all right. Live your life. Forget me and tell Tenko to do the same."
Bakugou: "Forget you? Everything I am is because of you."
Everyone is tearing up because of the father-son moment.
Masaru: "I love you, Katsuki. Don't be afraid."
Bakugou: "I love you too, old man..." He pulls him close. "I'm not afraid." (whispers) "And I will escape, I promise."
Kirishima: "That's Bakugou for you, never afraid and never following orders."
Bakugou: "What was that Shitty Hair?!"
Kirishima's mind: Imma die today!
Masaru: "What?!"
With that, he pivots and swings his father through the door just as the beast slams it shut. Masaru trips to the ground, giving the beast a second to turn to Katsuki. They lock eyes.
Todoroki: "You took his place."
Bakugou: "He is my father."
Todoroki: "He's a fool. So are you."
Bakugou turns to Todoroki.
Bakugou: "Ahem."
Todoroki: "You are not a fool Kats, he is one for thinking you are. You are the best, my number 1."
Bakugou turns red.
Everyone awes.
Mitsuki's mind: Katsuki picked a good one.
She smiles.
Dabi smiles, it is obvious how much Shoto loves Katsuki.
The beast turns and drags Masaru away.
Bakugou: "Don't hurt him!"
Through the latticework, Katsuki sees the beast and his father disappear down the corridor. He rushes to the window and watches the beast carry his father down the spiral staircase of the prison tower.
Masaru: "Katsuki! I'll come back! I promise!
Once he is alone, Katsuki cannot help himself. He slumps to the floor and the tears come. The screen fades out.

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