oh fuck did I just get ...

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It was warm ...a little too warm quite uncomfortable. The lower half or my legs were seem to be being hit with something wet.. continuously but that's not woke me up, what woke me up was something poking and pulling at my hair. At the time I was wearing a black wig from the cosplay I was wearing before..all this happened I was cosplaying hua Cheng form hevens official blessing.  Somewhere along the ride I had lost the wig.
I guess ?
sitting up straight with a raging headache like someone took a metal bat to the inside of my skull! As I look over to see a bunch of small monkeys poking around my cosplay, and the little dangly chains I had around my wrists and neck. Pulling on my hair literally grooming my hair, I freak out at first shooing them away they scatter away for a few feet away from me before boldly getting there curiosity back as I look around and awe and shock and many mixture of feelings mostly fear definitely fear.

What was around me was a large mountain forests I was laying on the beach right as the water was hitting my feet everything was super sandy and super uncomfortable and in front of me look vaguely familiar like I've seen it before... The ocean wasn't fast it was mostly covered by a giant..uh um.. how.. to explain this- wall with lava and volcanic.. something..? Fuck I don't know.
I stand up really wobbly instantly falling back to my knees everything was dizzy my body felt heavy felt like I had two giant bowling balls attached to my waist and one on my neck making the headache way worse.
I had a ring on my finger still which brought me back to reality.
"Oh holy fuck! Did I just isakai?! Holy shit where are my friends Where's my cousin?! Where in the fuck am?! - And why can't I take this God forsaken ring off?!"
Try as hard as I might I couldn't get it off my ring finger It was stuck on there every time I tried to take it off it would burn like fire again like I had hot metal on my skin if I didn't know any better I felt like it was a defense mechanism?! Or am I just crazy?

Yeah probably crazy...
I stand up one more time trying to get my head around all this madness that just happened as I walk around into the woods I can see somewhere on the mountain from where I was standing there was a bridge so that meant that somebody had to have lived here right?


"I hope they speak English. "

I say to myself and fun fact talking to yourself is actually very healthy keeps you sane!
Hah anyways focus -I head off into the scary jungle , and those monkeys from before? Yep they followed me like lost puppies .
At least if I were to die in these woods it wouldn't be alone.
"I bet I will make it a week.." I continue saying to myself as I treck in my uncomfortable wet soggy shoes and wet soggy and sandy cosplay. Feels like I have been walking for an hour The sun is barreling on top of me I feel super dehydrated my vision starting to go blurry and I don't know where my friends are I don't know where my cousin is I'm trying my hardest to ignore the fact that there's so much fear going on .

I make it to a creek following it remembering the fact from where my advantage point that I could see that bridge in the mountains there was a waterfall next to it. Maybe that was the runoff from the creek that I have found?
"Hopefully this hunch is right and I'm not walking into my death"
I continue talking to myself as I follow the creek which soon after maybe an hour or so turns into a river and then a bigger river and then a large lake was stones and then a waterfall with a stone in the middle of it, well stepping stones really.

"Okay now this looks really familiar"
"I swear to God.."

I say out loud to myself as I look around, The Monkey's who were following me around. One on my shoulder had poked my face a few times and pointed to a small trail that led around the waterfall and somewhere else into the jungle the others grabbed my hand and tried to lead the way..?

"I can't believe this. I really can't believe this, are these monkeys sentient or something .There's no way absolutely no way.. they're low-key showing me another way to hopefully wherever...uh the safe.. something or place to find hell maybe even some food I feel like I'm dying of hunger now!"
I clutched my stomach form the growing aching pain .

I say out loud to myself following the monkeys. My thoughts trailing off into thinking about this world as ..in issekai, now I am a woman of culture I am definitely a weeb .
So if I am now in an isakai. Then I must have the most basic form of isakia at least is understanding the language!?- maybe some kind of power as most isaakai animes have?

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