chapter 2. overthinking

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Yep I win
Hah I never lose to rock paper scissors.

"And you lose again"
I chuckled

He frowned at me before returning to his usual annoyingly big smile.
"HOW ARE you so good at this !"
"And I'm good at everything!"

I smirked a bit at that
"Well it sucks to suck wukon"
"I'm just that good at predicting the predectiond!"
I laughed stretching my arms abovey head , making my bones have a large cracking sound which made him cringe .
Which then made me laugh

"I'm crunchy "
I joked with a smile .

As I started to walk off form where I once came . Him speeding up in fallow.
That's when the awkwardness set in motion.

He looked over to me while I looked at my surroundings obvious.
Thinking to himself while he obversed me.
' A bit weird '
'the way they respond to situations aren't what I'd expect from someone in this situation '
'let alone so ..'
'er - "clam "

"You say something?"
I glared  a bit suspicious.
He quickly back tracks shaking his head to distract.

"What oh no no sorry I was just thinking"

"Well spill it "
I pressed while we walked

"Really its-"

"Huhu sure liar"
"Why would I believe that - I've lived with wY better liars then you"

"What's that supposed to mean?"
He laughed awkwardly
'and she's sharp'
He thought to himself.

I mumbled
Before coming to a stop to a loud rumble .

"Haha I crazy or did you feel that one too?"

",eels like it came from the - oh my house "

I face palm
"Fine we'll take the stupid cloud thingy "

"Only ONLY because I want to make sure that my cousin is okay"


"YESSSS-ets goooo"
He shouts and summons his cloud .

I've unnnreluctantly got on.
"I sear to hell if you drop me your face is going fall onto my fist if you do"

"I won't I won't!" Haha!"

I groan rubbing my cheeks
"Just hurry up "

And with that we zoooooooom off.
For a good 20mits

And a nice convenient time skip.

Once we zoomed backy eyes meet a very frustrated kinz

That's when my worries went out the window and now I was Angry .
By the looks of this she might have lost her temper.
And by the loss of her temperance I mean. She burned mei .
And Mei was holding her hand .
The look on her face gave me a chill right down to my bone.
It was a very very bad burn..
And look on her face would definitely stay with me for a while I couldn't even describe it .
God it wasn't a pretty sight.
Fuck. I thought trying not to panic.

"What happened?"
Wukon said calmly yet Stern.

"She got frustrated and I - well Mei tried to go help but um she lashed out and accidentally burned her.
"Please don't -"
Mk tried to say but I cut him off why while over to the firefly kinz we glared at me her hands where ablaze.
"Kinzie "
I grab both her hands
However I wasn't burned.
I did feel the pain but it felt as if it would instantly fade with each infliction from the flames to the point of numbness.

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