page#6 practice.

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"Oh boy . It feels like a sauna on this deck- how hot is it out here ? Mk?"

I asked as I turned to mk while he was practicing with his staff
Whipping the growing sweat off my forehead.

Mk chuckled drenched in sweat
He was about to answer and Mei responded for him.

"Uh it says it's about 106 out today!"
She said while holding her phone in the air waving it happily.
Kinz laughing at her enthusiasm.
As they turned to each other continuing their conversation about dying their hair and things that they liked .
Starting to bond with each other .

Eventually mk heading over to them and putting in his input on they conversation.
I watched them for a bit relieved that kinz was having fun and such.
Making good friends.

I sighed feeling bit down as I walked to the other side of the sea deck watching the waters go by bellow sinking into my thought's and how I had to figure out a way to survive here and make sure those I care about will be okay mentally and physically.

"I hate to ocean"
I jumped a little bit form the sudden surprise.
It was red son .

"Oh right I forgot that you came too"
"You wanted to train my cuz in how to use her powers"

",I did - but what about you , how are you doing ? - you seeeemm...a bit uh sad?"

"Oh that's strange..."
I mumbled

He asked .

"I'm usually pretty good and keeping my emotional state under control"

"So what your saying is your good at keeping the facade that you're okay alive?"

"Sure if you want to say it the easy way?"
I said back to him

"It's more like I can turn it off, if I need to like now I guess I just got a little ..."

"Anyway "
"I'm okay"

"Good to hear - and listen I got this . I understand how scary it can be not knowing what to do when are like a fish out of water "
"I can teach her to control it I got mie to do it I can help her so you wouldn't have to worry just make your your okay . Okay?"

I chuckled at that.

"No yeah yeah it's alright - I can handle this, hah were I come from I've lived through worse situation when I compare it to this "
"So.  I can do this "
I turn my hand to him with a small smile .

"Oh hey I think we are here .
Red sin pointed to the mountains before us .

"Oh I guess we are huh?"
A giant shadow looked over us.
It was sandy though it made me gasp form the surprise

"Oh shit!"
"Sandy you starlted me man"

"Ah sorry man but we are here yo hope you enjoyed this ride - and our water adventure!"
He gave us a big thumbs up .
As pigys and Tang walked over
"Hey kid"
Pigys said with a big smile as Tang chuckled.
"Me and pigys will be dropping you guys off here for a while while we have a nice and veryuch needed beach day"
Haha especially pigys he needs a day off he hasn't had one in like freaking 30 years yo!"

I gasp with a laugh
"Wow that long ?"
"That caaaann't be healthy ya know?"
While talking to the other two .
I noticed that MK and Mei  had already exited the boat and were walking through the lava mountains.

"Oh shit they are left me!"
"See ya guys we'll be back later tonight!"
I yell as I ran off the dock to catch up with them.

//Time skip just until they reach the mountain///

just another isekai. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz