page 8 finding Ishmael

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I hate Sundays
One would think that it's actually a Monday they should hate but no not me . This morning started off rocky and only got WROSe as the morning went on. I just started my new job to help pay for Kenzie's things she'd need . On the bright side I got to work along side Mk , at pigys little restaurant. It was fairly good and easy to learn the ropes of his job .Having a 8 hour shift four days a week working full time I even learned to drive his scary very scary cart thingy for delivering.
On the bad side it was hot as fuck outside. And I hated the heat and as luck have I was sent to a delivery to the butt fuck middle of nowhere out of the City to some mountains.
"Do I even have enough gas for this?"
I said aloud to myself as I drove up this scary ass switch backs one miss turn and I can say good bye to my life "god this is way worse then pikes peek"
"It's way ..."
"Father down if I fuck up on a turn "
I said aloud glancing down the fall form the mountain as I drive down the dirt road to whoever the hell ordered these noodles.
'I can't believe Mk drives to places like this - so fast too I gotta hand it to him I ain't brave enough for this '
I shook my head and turned my music up in the cart speakers I had my phone hooked up to as I sung along to the lyrics.
"Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts - if this is love I don't wanna be loved - I wanna be hanging by the neckkk!" "Before an audience of death!"I made turn I could see a Temple thingy in the distance coming around the corner to the mountain.
I gaps as I was finally at the destination.
Steping off the cart I took in the beauty of the surroundings before me .
"Nice view huh?"
I screamed and almost threw the noodles at the voice only to see it was wukon laughing.
And if course I frowned.
"Not funny"
"You are about to get yourself no food cuz there is no way I am driving all the way back up here"

I said while crossing my arms over my chest with a eye roll walking over to him as I gave him his noodles.
"Lucky for you that didn't happen"

"Working at the restaurant now?"
He adds with a chuckle.

I responded

"Of course how else am I to make money for my cousin-on the bright side the city is full of fun so easy to make friends and higg and low places"
I chuckled , at the double meaning .

"Not cryptic at all"
He laughed

Haha "yeah"
"Anyway this was my last delivery and I'm going to go do just that the city is why I don't fast quite fun"
"Just to walk around and talk to strangers"
I said heading back over to my cart. 

"Can I come?"

"What about your food? Or Are you just that bored?"

I sighed with a chuckle.

"I'll eat it on the way!"

"Okay okay sure - But don't complain about the friends I made"

I wackled my finger I was like got back in the driver's seat.

"I do have to drop off this"
I added onto my last statement

After a few hours or so after dropping off you walked around the city well specifically the alleyways of the city as a voice called me over from a stall that looked like us gambling den in the crack of a wall kind of place as we headed inside it was a snake demon he seen pretty happy

"My mai~ isn't my favorite player Stella!"
"What you come to gamble with today I think I've gotten some pretty good information about your missing friend!"
"If you play me and you went I'll give you the information but if you lose you got to do something for me!"

A chuckled at this and went to sit down.
Wukon behind me
Watching over my shoulder

"Surprised to see the great old stage here down in the underworld never thought you'd be one to be here "haha"

"Let's quit chatting and let's start our game!"

We chuckled with each other chatting about our day as we played a sort of weird version of chess.
But with the rules of checkers.
Play chuckled as he took most of my pieces however in the end I was able to get..

"Checkmate Jace!"
I stood up

"Alrighty - So then what is the news?"

He chuckled in response giving me a smile.
Wukon was a bit surprised for a moment there as he laughed
"I thought he really had you but you turn that around pretty quickly "

"Yeah yeah of course Don't worry about it!"

Leaning closer to me his elbows on the table crossing his fingers I looked around for a moment before doing the same as he Begin to give me a few pieces information of a certain someone for wandering around and a strange music playing with a huge sword on their back who's been causing trouble with the bull family lately.

"One of the best ways to find the dude is listen for the music!-
"Some said that he plays it on purpose for his theme song-others say that the dudes a little eccentric but he's been messing around a lot with the demon market sabotaging some of the demon bull families merchandise sales knowing what trouble they are always in probably some new hero I'm guessing?"

Jace said.

I squinted for a moment before responding to him.
"Where was the last time you heard of him or where was this occurrence last I should probably check there even though it's getting late we've been playing for a good 8 hours"

"8 hours it was really 8 hours?!" Wukon gaps
"What happened to time stop or something?!"

"Yes are gambling den is called timers den "
"Worthy game goes on until whoever finishes we don't do draws here"

"Put back to what we were saying Stella of course - I heard him on the east side of the city there that old construction zone You should check there"

We chuckled and shook hands as we both parted our ways I wave to him as we exited the alleyway.
"Pleasure doing business with you as always see you again Monday!"
I waved to him as we left .

"I guess we should try looking there first right?"
Wukon chuckled.

But before we even had a chance to discuss a plan of action tomorrow we heard a song and of course I recognize that song instantly It was faint but it cut my attention as I looked around but I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming for us It sounded like it was just traveling through the wind I know that sounds really stupid and cliche but that's what I heard.

I shouted.
"But I don't know where it's at I don't know where to find it what am I supposed to do?!"
"Ishmael's out there somewhere I got to find him!"

Chilllll laxxxx I'm pretty sure we will find him . Wukon chuckled.
"Don't worry about it we can always just ask macaque "
"He's got crazy hearing capabilities I'm sure he can pinpoint where it's coming from with no problem?"
"You can even ask the others for a wider starch radius?"

"Though I do got to say this is pretty nuts - the song what kind of song is this ..."

His face full of confusion  as I couldn't help but laugh out loud .

If you're wondering this is why .
Mahah . //
This is mostly put in here as a joke because this is his favorite song//
So I made it his theme song.

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