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Sophie Carpenter was born on December 14, 2002 only 12 minutes before her twin sister Tara was born. When Sophie was 8 years old her father left. After her father left, her older sister Sam started acting out getting into a lot of trouble with the cops. When Sam turned 18 and Tara and Sophie were 13 Sam left without a word. After Sam left, her mother started drinking barely ever being sober unless it's for work. When Sophie was 17 her mother started taking drugs. Which eventually caught the attention of the authorities. When the cops arrived at the Carpenters house their mother put the blame on Sophie. As a result of this Sophie had to spent a summer in juvenile detention for breaking the law. She also had to wear an ankle bracelet for a month. A year later when Sophie was 18 she still had to do community service and go to the police station for checkups on whether she's clean or not.

I'm sorry..  |   Amber FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now