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"Sophie are you ready to go?" Sophie heard Tara shout from downstairs. "Yeah I'm almost done!" She shouted back to her sister before grabbing her phone and rushing down the stairs. "Let's go." She said before grabbing Tara's hand and dragging her out the door while Tara laughed at Sophie. "You seem even more excited than me." The younger twin looked at her sister with raised eyebrows. "Okay hush. I'm just excited to see our friends and hang out. Plus Amber's parties are the best. Everyone knows that." Sophie defended before Tara looked at her with a look that just says 'whatever you say' which made Sophie playfully roll her eyes and push her twin lightly which made her twin laugh again. Sophie was walking ahead of Tara when Tara suddenly jumped on her back which made them both laugh before Sophie started holding onto her sister so that she won't fall. After making sure she won't fall off Sophie started running to Amber's house which made Tara laugh. When they finally got to Amber's house Tara got off Sophie's back and rang the doorbell. After a few minutes Amber opened the door and smiled at the twins while they walked inside. "If you brought anything the gift table is in the living room. The drinks are in the kitchen and Mindy, Chad and Wes are in the backyard." The younger girl informed the twins who nodded along. "Thank you for coming by the way." Amber thanked the two who both smiled at her. "Of course." Sophie and Tara both said in unison. Amber smiled at them once more before leaving to fend to some kids who were making a mess. Sophie and Tara both put their gifts on the gift table before heading outside to the rest of their friends. "The real party has finally arrived." Sophie announced when both Carpenters walked up to the others who cheered in response. Mindy came up to Sophie and they did their made up handshake before Mindy put her right arm around Sophie's shoulder and her left arm around Tara's. "We were just about to play some beer pong. Wes didn't want to join but now we can do a 2 versus 2. How about this, me and Sophie against Chad and Tara. Then we can see who the best out of the two twins are." Mindy offered and they all agreed. "We're gonna absolutely destroy you." Chad exclaimed before Tara gave him a high five "Hell yea we are." Tara said in agreement. "We'll see about that." Sophie challenged.

After Mindy and Sophie absolutely destroyed Chad and Tara at beer pong they sat down on the swings. Mindy was sat on Sophie's lap and Tara was sitting on the other swing while Chad and Wes were sitting on a bench. "Soo when are you and Amber gonna stop pining over each other and just make out already." Chad looked over to Sophie. "Okay it's not like that." She replied and everyone looked at her with raised eyebrows. "It's not!" She exclaimed and the others all looked at each other before laughing which made Sophie throw her head back with an annoyed groan. After a while everyone started leaving and Amber came outside to hang out with her friends (although she would never allow herself to actually call them her friends). "There she is!" Chad cheered and everyone else joined in with the cheering which made her smile slightly. "And I'm all yours. Finally." She said with a deep sigh before plopping down on the bench. "I didn't miss anything fun, did I?" She asked while leaning back against the bench. "Nah just me and Sophie absolutely destroying Chad and Tara at beer pong." Mindy mentioned while Sophie gave her a high five.

After a while the group of friends decided to go inside since it was getting kind of cold. Sophie sat on the couch next to Amber and Mindy while Tara sat on the other side of Amber. Chad and Wes sat down on the chairs. They were all just laughing and talking for a while before Sophie realized there weren't any snacks left so Sophie and Amber got up to grab some more. After walking into Amber's storage room and looking around for some snacks the door closed behind the two and they heard someone lock it from the outside. "Hey? What the fuck?" Sophie yelled out to the person who locked it. "It's for your own good Soph!" They heard Mindy yell back. "Mindy what the fuck let us out!" Amber yelled next but they just heard Mindy walk away laughing which made them both roll our eyes and lean against the wall. "At least we got snacks." Sophie teased and Amber smiled before laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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