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After leaving the hospital and making sure Tara is safe Sophie went over to Amber's house. Once she got to her girlfriends house she knocked on the door and her girlfriend opened the door with a soft smile. "You know you don't have to knock right? But hi my love, how are you feeling?" Amber asked while letting Sophie into the house. Sophie let out a heavy sigh and shrugged before her girlfriend pulled her into a hug. As soon as Amber pulled her into a hug she felt tears flow down her face. "I'm scared Amber. I'm so fucking scared. I.. I should've been there. She could've.. she could've died. God... I don't know what i'd do if I lose her. I can't lose her.. I can't." Amber kissed the top of Sophie's head and caressed her cheek "I know. I know." Sophie looked Amber in the eyes and saw her girlfriend had slight tears in her eyes too. "And I can't lose you either.." Sophie's voice cracked and Amber kissed her cheek "I know... you won't I promise. I promise you, okay?" Sophie nodded and they both sat down on the couch while still holding each other tight before Sophie fell asleep.

A few hours later Sophie got woken up by a phone going off. Amber apologized when she noticed her girlfriend woke up before answering the call. While Amber was talking to someone Sophie stood up and went to grab some coffee. When Sophie was pouring her coffee into a cup Amber walked up behind her and put her arms around her girlfriends waist before she started kissing her neck which made her loosen her shoulders and sigh dreamily. "Who were you talking to?" Sophie turned around and pulled her girlfriend closer by the waist. "Just Mindy. Apparently Sam wants everyone to come to Mindy's house to talk about something. But I'd much rather stay here with you." Amber smirked while Sophie rolled her eyes playfully. "Mhm as much as I'd love that. She wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.. so how about this. We're going and afterwards you get me all to yourself. Mhm?" Sophie suggested before pulling Amber closer by her collar and kissing her softly. "Deal." Amber responded with a smirk while she kissed her girlfriend once more before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the car.

When they got to Mindy and Chad's house they greeted everyone with a hug and walked inside where Amber sat on a chair while Sophie sat on the couch next to her. After talking with each other for a little while Sam came walking in with Richie and Dewey. "You said to bring everybody." Mindy motioned to the friend group. Everyone stopped talking and looked at like Sam while Chad gave a small wave. Just then Mindy and Chad's mom came in "ooh suspects." she said while carrying in a plate of food. "My brother would be so proud." Martha said before Dewey spoke up "Hey Martha." Martha looked at Dewey and gave him a hug "Dewey hi! You look...." Martha said before nodding to which Dewey nodded as well which made Sophie snicker while Amber smiled at her and Chad threw a pillow at her which she caught before sticking her tongue out at Chad. After that Chad asked his mom to leave which she did. After Martha left Sam explained everything to the friend group before sitting down.

"So let me get this straight. You're saying that you're the daughter of Billy Loomis and what? That one of us is the killer?" Chad said while motioning to the rest.

"The killer told me he knew my secret. He attacked Tara to lure me back here." Sam explained before Chad spoke up again. "But then why immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Liv?" Chad pointed out.

"And why does it have to be one of us? What about deputy Dewey here? Maybe he's the killer." Wes suggested before turning to Dewey and adding 'no offense'. "Wes that's literally such a dumb thing to even suggest. He's been through this what? 4 times? Why would he be the killer now? Yes his wife left him sorry about that by the way and he's been stabbed multiple times. But why would he suddenly decide to do all this now and go after some random kids? How would he even know about Sam? What would even be his motive?" Sophie defended the older man and he smiled at her gratefully.

"Like you said he got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by his famous wife and he crawled into a bottle. I think it's safe to say he's on the suspect list." Wes explained while Sophie scoffed. "Or maybe you're the killer because that cut deep." Dewey said before he leaned back into the couch.

I'm sorry..  |   Amber FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now