When the timeline converged - 00

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It's often described as a flowing river that goes one way, and no matter what time is often described by the so called 'scholars*' to be a one way street that has all been planned out from the very beginning.
(Note: They are NOT scholars,nihilism doesn't make you smart, it's just depressing as hell dawg)
This concept is often thought of as 'destiny' one of the many things that both nihilists and optimists use as an explanation for why things happen.
For optimists it's more of a 'everything happens for a reason' thing and for nihilists it's more or less 'things were always meant to be this way what I do doesn't matter because it was always going to happen.'

However there is an another theory about the concept of 'Time' and it's that, like a river or a street, it has multiple paths that it can diverge into. In other words, when something happens here, a new timeline (or several!) are created where a different action was taken. For example in this world I, the narrator, just committed a grave mistake which led to this entire story, but in another world I probably didn't do that....or maybe it's a constant, who knows?

There are several other questions about time and which direction it flows and whether or not time traveling to the past may or may not make humans less likely to get diarrhoea from Taco Bell (sorry but the answer is no), or whether or not there is a timeline where Monster Energy actually became a staple food. (Also no.) Or whether or not it is possible for the butterfly effect to not happen if you time travel. (Unfortunately no.)

You may probably be wondering what any of this has to do with the story you most certainly came here to read, and all it has very little to do with this story...except the last bit about about time travel, that actually happened. And it may or may not have been possibly, kind of, sort of, perhaps, possibly my fault. Well it was not entirely my fault! Only about 75% at the minimum was my fault.

I shall give context that hopefully sounds 'poggers' and 'epik gam3r moment' to those of you reading this in the 2020's. (Did I use those words right?)


In a world plagued by war and poverty and a surprising amount of drama and sex, something as seemingly trivial and innocuous as an additional star in the night sky may be the most prophetic premonition that things were about to change. Permanently.
Of course, no one except philosophers would pay attention to what seemed to be the new 'star' until it got close enough to actually warrant some degree; even if it was just a small bit, of attention.

Yes! That new 'star' in the sky was no star at all, but it was in fact a spacecraft. No this isn't an alien story, there were no aliens involved with this, trust me I made sure. But it was a spacecraft from the future, one that had arrived to the past to do some quiet research and observations about what life was like way back in the beginnings of civilisation.
I was an engineer on the ship, but little did I know, one crucial mistake, was all it took to change the entirety of human history as it was known.
That mistake was simple, I left the worst possible person in the worst possible place at the worst possible time, (If you're reading this, fuck you Kyler, I hope you experience the worst pain known to man).
That simple mistake led to the creation of, one of the most reality bending events in existence; The Convergence.

The Convergence on its own should have been no issue what so ever, heck, our systems even detected it, but the issue here was not so much the Convergence as it was the event that became the Convergence. To  put it as simply as I'm legally allowed to, the convergence, also known as a 'canon event' is an event in time and probability which no matter what, always occurs. It doesn't matter how, no matter what happened, it's bound to happen. It's bound to happen in any timeline generated from a single common point, after occurring, it then diverges into multiple new timelines. In probability, it has a constant of 1 to 1, which means it will always happen. I'd love to tell more, but legally I'm not allowed to and morally...well I couldn't care less.

Anyway, due to some space time technology that we probably shouldn't have used, now that I'm thinking about it, we, my team and I, where able to predict when the next convergence would occur, but due to SOMEBODY (Kyler) turning on the infinite probability drive for no GODDAMN REASON, what we wanted to happen, didn't happen and instead, a horrible, stupid, tragedy occurred, and resulted in an accident which involved a lot of spam emails, a car dealer ad, a particle accelerator, a rubber band, a sleazy business man, a video game, aaand the head engineer.

This isn't the story of the accident, nor is it the story of our starship, it's the story of the consequences of that stupid, stupid freak accident, and the stupid weapon that came to being. It all begins with a dumpster.

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