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  Rooster's POV

The next morning, everyone awoke to the sound of alarms ringing throughout the carrier. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed, still feeling the lingering effects of last night's celebrations. But duty called.
As I rushed through the corridors, I spotted Sammy up ahead, also hurrying to the briefing room. We exchanged a quick glance before we continued our sprint, knowing that every second counted in a situation like this.
Upon entering the briefing room, the room fell silent as the commanding officer began detailing our mission. A group of enemy vessels had been spotted nearby, and intel suggested that they were preparing to launch an attack. It was our job to intercept them and neutralize the threat before they could cause any harm to the ship and the coast itself.
As we listened to the briefing, I couldn't help but glance over at Sammy. I could see the determination in her eyes, and I knew she was ready for whatever would happen on this mission. The events of the previous day had only served to strengthen our bond, which would help us work better as a team.

Sam's POV:
I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I climbed into the cockpit of the F-18. Rooster and I exchanged a quick, reassuring glance before we launched off the carrier's deck, As we soared through the sky, I couldn't help but think back to the conversation we had at the bar last night. Rooster was right—we couldn't save everyone, but we were making a difference and we can only do our best. And as long as we continued to stand together, we could face any challenge head-on.
very soon spotted the enemy vessels on the horizon, and our formation tightened, preparing to engage. Rooster and I moved in front of the formation , our jets speeding through the air in perfect harmony. As we closed in, just our luck the enemy ships began to open fire, and the sky erupted in a storm of bullets and explosions.
Rooster and I remained focused, our years of training and experience guiding our every move. We dodged and weaved through the crossfire, taking out enemy aircraft one by one.
As the fight raged on,I heard a frantic beeping coming from my plane." Shit I've been hit" then my alutde alarm atarted to go I was plumiting fast. Then all went black
Roosters pov:
The tide of the fight began to turn in our favor, and it wasn't long before the enemy vessels were crippled and retreating. As we escorted them out of the area, I look at the other planes looking for Bambi but she was no ware to be see until beige said over come to leave her "what the hell happened where is she" I said over coms all I got was return back to the ship.We had faced down the enemy and come out victorious, protecting countless lives in the process except one the only one that means something to me.
As I returned to the carrier, I had a look of fear. I knew that the fight was far from over, but for now, I needed to find her stat.
I ran down to her room but she wasn't there I went and asked around and she was in the med center.
Sam oh my god are you ok I said as I ran into the med place thing
"Yeah I'm fine it was a problem with the plane I'll be up and around in no time I just need some rest.
Why is she not more worried abt this but know who what it's not my choice to make I just want to support Sam any way I can.
After my adrenaline from the day's  mission had worn off, Rooster and I found ourselves back at the bar. The atmosphere was a little more subdued this time, as we both nursed our drinks and reflected on the events of the past few days.I was tired and so was Sammy but I didn't say anything.
Bambis pov:
As the hours ticked by, I couldn't help but notice the way the dim lighting of the bar and the golden light from outside played off Rooster's features. His jawline, the slight scruff that always seemed to be there no matter how often he shaved, the intensity of his eyes as he spoke – I found my self feeling somthing I've never before.
I tried to shake it off, telling myself that it was just the stress and strong emotions from the past few days playing mind tricks on me. But the more I tried to ignore it, just to my luck the stronger the attraction seemed to grow.
Rooster's POV
As the night wore on, I couldn't help but notice the way Sam's eyes seemed to linger on me. At first, I dismissed it as my imagination, but as the minutes turned into hours, I began to wonder if there was something more there or if I was missing somthing
Despite the years of friendship and camaraderie between us, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't felt a certain tension building over the past few days. It was subtle, but unmistakable – something that I needed to talk to her about.
As we sat there in the dimly lit bar, the air between us seemed to crackle with electricity. Every casual touch sent a jolt through my body, and I found myself growing increasingly aware of the heat of Sam's body pressed against mine.
Finally, I could no longer ignore the tension between us. "Sammy," I began hesitantly, my voice barely above a whisper. "Do you feel... I mean, is there something going on between us?"
Sam's POV:
My heart raced as Rooster asked the question that had been on both our minds. For a moment, I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. But as I looked at his face, and saw the same vulnerability and uncertainty that I felt, and I knew I couldn't deny it any longer.
"Yeah," I replied, my voice barely audible. "I think there is something between us."
For a moment, we just sat there in silence, the weight of our confession hanging there. It was uncharted territory for both of us.
Finally, he leaned in, his breath warm against my ear. "We could try and see where this goes if your up for it" he whispered, his hand reaching for mine.
He intertwined our fingers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. was it risk, yes it was,one that could change our friendship forever. If it didn't go the way we wanted it to. But as I looked into Rooster's eyes, maybe was a risk worth taking. Whatever happened next, we would face it together, just as we always had

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