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Sam's POV

While Me and rooster continued to become closer together , we also remained dedicated to our duties as pilots. Our squadron, which consisted of Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Rooster, and myself, had become a quiet the family. We trusted and relied on one another, both in the air and on the ground
Even though Hangman is annoying as hell.

during a routine training exercise one day, Phoenix encountered a mechanical issue with her jet, which forced her and bob to eject. After I ran down into the med room, it was evident that she and bob would be grounded for some time.
Hangman, who had always been a bit of a annoying butthead said something inappropriate. "Well, I guess that means we've got some downtime. Anyone up for a game of poker?"
That made me very mad cause this was a very in appropriate time to say that.

Rooster's POV

I couldn't help but notice Sam's concerned expression. I knew Phoenix was like a sister to her, and the emergency ejection had shaken her up.
I leaned in close to Sam and whispered, "Hey, don't worry about Phoenix she's a tough cookie and will be back in the air in no time."
Sam smiled at me, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you Rooster. I know she will be. I'm just glad she's okay."

Another Time Jump:
Over the following weeks, Phoenix and bob made a full recovery and was back in the cockpit flying alongside us. Our unit grew even stronger.One evening, while we were all gathered in the mess hall, Hangman raised his glass for a toast. "To the best damn squadron in the fleet! Here's to us, Bob raised his glass as well, adding, "And to the ones we'll fight in the future. May we always have each other's backs."

As we clinked our glasses together, Rooster and I shared a silent promise, reinforcing our commitment to each other and our squadron. We knew that the path ahead would be filled with challenges, but we were ready to face them head-on, with our friends by our side and love in our hearts.
As the night wore on, we all eventually made our way back to our bunks. Rooster and I lingered behind,
Taking a few moments alone together before saying goodnight.
Just as we were about to part ways, a loud explosion rocked through the base. We both froze, knowing that something was terribly wrong.
Without a word, we sprinted towards the hangar, where we could see smoke billowing from one of the jets. As we ran closer, we could hear screams and shouts coming from the direction of the smoke.
Rooster and I exchanged a quick look, but we both  knew that we needed to act fast. We ran towards the chaos, ready to fight whatever fight needed to be fought.
As we reached the top deck, we could see that one of our pilot was trapped inside the burning wreckage. Without hesitation, Rooster sprang into action, using all of his strength to pry open the cockpit and pull our comrade to safety.

But the danger was quite far from over. The explosion had attracted the attention of more enemy forces, and we could hear the sound of incoming fire in the distance.

Rooster and I shared a look, knowing that our squadron was counting on us. Together, we charged towards the oncoming threat, ready to defend our base and our brothers and sisters in arms.
That was until I felt a shuddering force on the side of my plane and then the world went black for both of us.

Narrators POV:
Black was all they saw for some time until they awoke. But there awakening was not so pleasant,  Samantha and rooster woke up in the med room. Both I a large amount of pain

Sam's pov:
I woke up to a blinding fluorescent light and a splitting headache and extensive pain in my abdomen. The only thing I remember is the sound of explosions and incoming fire before the world went black. But the only thing I could think about besides the massive headache was rooster."I have to find rooster" I quickly sat up but was back down before I could do anything it hurt really bad it hurt so bad I can't sit up. "Oh great this makes things so much easier"
Roosters pov:
(he still asleep he will be asleep for a while)

ok guys so what did we think I'm trying something new with my writing will post 1 to 2 more times and then won't post for about 2/3months
:) have the best day:)

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