What Happend?

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Sam's vision blurred as she struggled to sit up, the intense pain in her abdomen forced her back down. Her increased concern for Rooster consumed her as she frantically searched the room with her eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. The med room was bustling with medical personnel attending to the wounded, but Rooster was nowhere to be seen.

SAM'S POV: my heart raced, and a wave of panic washed over me as I called out, "Has anyone seen Rooster? Is he okay? Will someone or somebody tell me what the hell is happening?" my voice was weak and scratchy. Which most likely ment no one really heard me.

Finally after a long struggle of trying to get some one's attention a nurse rushed in and over to my side, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. "Please, ma'am, try to remain calm. We're doing everything we can for everyone injured in the explosion. Let me check on Rooster for you. And I'll explain everything when I get any information on him. Okay."

I slowly nodded because my back and neck are still killing me, I feel anxiety gnawing at me like a rabid animal would a bone. But for the life of me I just  couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible had happened to Rooster like really truly terrible. The very very slow minutes felt like hours as she waited for that darn nurse to return with news any new hopeful good happy news.

Finally after what felt like hours, the nurse reappeared in the door way, her face a mix of concern and calm relief. "Rooster is somewhat okay and alive, but he sustained severe injuries. He's currently in surgery, and the surgery and trama team is doing their best to stabilize him."

My heart sank to what felt like the bottom of the ocean , but I still felt a small sliver of hope knowing that Rooster was still fighting that he was still here, that there was a chance he would make it. She clung to that hope, and prayed. "Please, do everything you can to save him. I need him here with me our story isn't over yet, it's not even close please I need him to live.

Hey so it's me sorry I haven't posted in a good long few months, sorry about that I got super busy with school holidays and that kinda stuff but sadly this will be the last part of this story but I will start another story very soon. And sorry for the short chapter I was in a rush with my writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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