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Sam's POV

The next day, Rooster and I found ourselves with some unexpected free time . We decided to take advantage of the rare break and explore the carrier , finding a secluded spot on the deck where we could talk, away from the prying eyes of the fellow servicemen.
As we leaned against the railing, I took a deep breath and broke the silence. "So, about last night... What does this mean for us, Rooster?"
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes gazing out at the endless expanse of ocean before us. "I don't know, Sammy. I've never felt this way about anyone before, let alone my best friend. But I do know that whatever this is, it feels... right."
I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty wash over me. "I feel the same way. But what do we do now? This isn't exactly a normal situation for either of us."

Rooster's POV

I pondered Sam's question, knowing that whatever path we chose, there would be challenges ahead. "Well, for starters, we need to be careful. We're in the military, after all, and relationships like this can be... complicated."
Sam nodded in agreement. "You're right. We have to be discreet. And we need to be sure about this. It's not just our friendship and relationship at stake, but our careers too."
We sat in silence for a moment, both of us lost in thought. Finally, I looked over at Sam, a determined expression on my face. "But I think it's worth it, Sammy. I've never met anyone who understands me like you do, who makes me feel so alive. And I'm willing to take that risk if you are."

Sam's POV

I couldn't help but smile at Rooster's words, feeling a surge of warmth and affection for him. "I'm willing to take that risk too, Rooster."
As we stood there, hand in hand, we knew that this  wouldn't be easy.
Time skip:
Over the following weeks, Rooster and I took every opportunity to spend time together,
During one of our late-night conversations, Rooster looked at me with a serious expression. "Sammy, I want to make a promise to you. No matter what happens, whether we're flying high or facing the darkest storms, I'll be there for you. You can count on me."
I smiled, feeling a surge of emotion rushing through my body.

Ok guys so what do y'all think so far this being my first official story based off of the best character in top gun

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