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Trigger Warning: 911 call for su!c!de attempt

"Buck we came in at the wrong angle," Bobby said, standing at the base of the ladder. "I'm gonna have you climb up there, harness him in, and hang tight while we move the truck. You think you can handle that?"

"Hell yeah. This daredevil hero stuff is what I signed up for, Bobby," Buck said with a smile on his face.

"Good." Buck climbed up the ladder, making his way toward the roller coaster cart that was stuck upside down. One of the lap bars had flown up mid-ride and one of the boys had flown out. The other was holding on to the lap bar for dear life. The only riders had been screaming and panicking the whole time. Understandably.

Hen, Chim, and I had found the body of the boy who'd dropped out of the ride. I crouched down by his side and put my fingers against his neck, looking for a pulse.

"Chimney, it's Captain, you copy?" Bobby's voice crackled through the radio.

"Copy, Captain, what do you need?"

"How's the kid on the ground?" I looked up at Chimney and shook my head.

"We lost him," Chimney answered.

"All right, I don't need the people up there seeing that. So do me a favor, he survived, right? Get him on a gurney. You know the drill."

"Copy that," Chimney said before flagging down more paramedics. A paramedic ran a board over to us and I slid it underneath the boy's body. We flipped him onto the backboard and prepped him for transport into the ambulance. Once we got his body back into an area he couldn't be seen we left his body for the morticians to handle. We moved back and looked up at the roller coaster track and looked up at Buck. He was sitting on the track, trying to secure Devon, the boy who was hanging on for dear life.

"Come on Buck, come on," Chimney muttered.

"Please," I said not letting my eyes leave Buck. Nothing had happened yet. Devon hadn't moved. Buck kept trying to get him to slide his arm through the strap. Out of now where Devon's hands dropped and his body fell to the floor.

We'd gotten back to the station and Buck had been quiet since we'd gotten back. He hadn't said a word, not one single wisecrack. Bobby stood in the kitchen preparing dinner for all of us. Buck and Chimney say at the table and I made my way up the stairs followed by Hen and Athena.

"Hey. You guys don't mind, I brought some company to family dinner. Athena's going through some, uh, some stuff at home, so she could use some TLC," Hen said walking over to the table. I took a seat next to Buck and gave him the best smile I could muster all things considered.

"Well, we don't usually allow cops at secret firehouse meetings, but, uh, I'll make an exception," Bobby said hugging Athena.

"All right. Appreciate that. Oh well. You know, I ain't sold on you yet, but... I think keeping me from getting shot deserves a second chance," Athena said to Buck, putting her hand out. Buck looked between her hand and her eyes, trying to figure out if it was a trap, then shook her hand.

"Hey, there won't be a third, though," She said, getting a laugh out of the rest of us.

"Buck here is having a little trouble moving on from a call that didn't go his way," Bobby said.

"Oh. You know why they make us wear these uniforms, right?" Athena asked. "Cops, firefighters, paramedics?"

"Uh... sex appeal?" Chimney guessed.

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