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        "LAFD. Step aside, please," Bobby said to a group of onlookers as we pulled up on the scene of an accident.

"I didn't know what to do. I was afraid to move the car," An older woman said. She'd been the one to call 911. Underneath her car was a middle-aged woman who seemed to be unable to move herself.

"You did the right thing. We'll take it from here," Bobby said as me, Buck, and Eddie made our way over to the woman.

"Do any of you have a pen? I've got a partial license plate. Somebody should write it down," The woman said.

"Don't worry about the license plate, ma'am. I on tht's right here on the back of the car," Eddie reassured her.

"Not this car. The car that hit me," She groaned.

"Uh, wait, this isn't the car that hit you?" Buck asked. The woman shook her head.

"No, this is the car that ran me over!"

"This is not your day is it?" I said to her.

"Better be insured," She said weakly.

"Let's just focus on getting you out of here ma'am," Bobby said standing up.

"I think there's enough room. We can slide a backboard under here and pull her out that way," Buck said looking under the car. "Okay, can you tell me your name?"


Hen and Chim walked over with there med kits followed by Athena. Hen dropped her bag and got onto her knees with a confused look on her face as she surveyed the woman.

"Hey wait. Don't we know you?" Hen asked her.

"Uh, no. I don't, I don't think so," She stuttered.

"Last year, Hancock Park."

"That's right. I never forget a femur," Chimney added and Athena hummed.

"It's the damned Porch Pirate."

"Sargent Grant," Bobby said as we pulled up on another call.

"Captain. Mr. Personality over here started coughing grabbed his side and fell over. Could be appendicitis. I'm not sure. All right, back up," Athena said as we walked through a mob of protestors.

"Step aside, please," Bobby said as we followed him to the man. "Sir, just gonna examine you for a second here," Bobby lifted up the man's shirt just enough to reveal a colostomy bag. "Oh. Okay, we got a colostomy bag, probably backing up. You're gonna have to intubate him. Sir, just try to relax. These paramedics here are gonna attend to you."

"Oh hell no," The man groaned as Hen and Chimney got to work. "You do it," The man said to Bobby.

"Sir, I'm not a trained paramedic. I can't intubate you. They can," Bobby said and I never wanted to attend a persons funeral more.

"I'm fine," The man said weakly.

"Sir, you're not fine. Your bowel is probably obstructed. The contents of your colostomy bag are backing up into your system. You're about to choke on your own waste. You will suffocate and die," Chimney put bluntly.

"Get... away," The man groaned as Chim tried to help.

"Okay, sir, if you refuse care, we cannot administer it by force," Bobby said. The man groaned.

"What about him?" The man asked looking up at Eddie. "Diaz," The man said reading off his name plate. "What kind of name is that?"

"My father's from Mexico," Eddie said squatting down next to him. "My mother's Swedish. I can help you out with the Swedish half. But no one told me which half that is." The man shook his head frantically.

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