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        Full moon. That's what tonight was. And according to the research Buck did, the night was gonna get crazy. Hen and Chim had gone out to a different call that only need the paramedics. Bobby, Buck, and I

"It's a fact. Gravity is heavier during the full moons; scientists have proven it," Buck said as the three of us walked.

"You read this in a peer-reviewed, scientific publication?" Bobby asked.

"uh, I don't know, is the Internet considered a "scientific publication"?"

"Buck, the idea that the moon causes odd behavior and happenings goes back to the first century. It's folklore, magical thinking," Bobby told him as we walked toward the elevator.

"So, the moral of this story, don't read everything you find on the internet," I said pushing the elevator call button.

"Hey. She's this way," A woman said as the elevator opened. "Jackie's six months pregnant. She's new. This class is only open to moms who are at least 26 weeks. I warn them about overexerting themselves. And behold," She said opening the door. "the Salabhasana." Inside the room was a woman who must have gotten stuck in a yoga pose.

"Yeah, Locust Pose," Buck said.

"Since when did you know yoga?" I asked him.

"I've dated, like, 50 yoga instructors," He said.

"I haven't even dated 50 people," I said before making my way over to the woman.

"Can you guys please clear out of here so we can get in there? Thank you," Bobby said as the woman began to clear away.

"Ladies, back to your mats. Back to your mats," The instructor said.

"I can't move," Jackie said, "everything hurts. The baby, is he okay?"

"It's gonna be okay. We got you," I told her, trying to soothe her panic.

"We're gonna check your baby, okay? I'm gonna touch you right here on your stomach. Okay. There's no trauma to the abdomen," Bobby said as Buck checked her vitals.

"Vitals seem normal," He said. "fetal heartbeat normal."

"Is the baby okay?" Jackie asked.

"Your baby is fine," Bobby told her.

"Oh, he's not mine. I'm a surrogate," She said.

"Listen can you tell me where you're feeling your pain?" Bobby asked as I got on my gloves. "Is it localized in your back, your arms, your legs?"

"Arms and legs, but it's- it's the worst in my butt and down my thigh and calf," She said.

"Okay, I think you slipped a disc," Bobby told her. "We're gonna need to get her on her side, okay? Very carefully support her head."

"All right, got it, Bobby," Buck said as the two of us got ready to move Jackie.

"Let's go this way towards you guys, okay? Very gently." We began to move her right as another woman started screaming. "All right, I'm gonna take care of that. You two take care of this." Bobby got up and went straight to the other woman.

"Here we go. I got you. I got you," Buck said to Jackie as we turned her onto her side. As soon as we got Jackie situated, my attention was turned to another woman.

"Uh, my water broke," She said, standing over top of a yoga mat.

"Buck?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm on it."

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