Enemy By Blood : 1

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"Come on Aria , we shouldn't be late for our first day!", I heard my brother yell from the wagon

"I'M COMING , I'm just saying goodbye to Mrs.Weasley", I replied , giving a hug to the woman who'd fed and kept us warm this entire summer.

"Now , no mischief this term alright Aria", she said warningly.

"I can't promise that , but I promise to bring in good grades"

After 2 years at Durmstrang , home was all I needed , that being Hogwarts of course.

I ran into the wagon where Ron , Hermione and my brother already seated and checked my nails to see if they were even.

"You are such a prissy princess" , said Ron

I looked that boy and scoffed , poking his forehead annoyingly :

"Didn't you try to steal a peck from me last night"


"He did what!", Harry boomed , putting his Daily Prophet down.

I didn't repeat myself and instead put my Flyman in my ears and ignored the three during the rest of the ride.

I was going back to Hogwarts , I never thought I would , it was almost like a dream come true , a second chance that I could absolutely not mess up , not that I ever did but I had to be extra sure not to.

This was an opportunity to have a do-over and prove that even though I had a few years' gap , I'd come back stronger and better than ever this was my life and I was going to live like tomorrow was my last.

"TREATS , I'VE GOT TREATS...", I heard , jumping off my chair and taking my wallet out

"I'd like 5 cauldron gumdrops , 4 strawberry shortcake frogs , 5 chocolate bars and 4 butterbeer lollipops", I declared giving her the already prepared 6 galleons.

She looked at me up and down judgtngly before saying rudely :

"It's 8..."

"Times 10 if we're talking about how many pimples you have", I replied , cutting her off and flicking the two remaining coins directly into her fast hand.

Capitalism is crazy.

I went back into the wagon and put my earphones in , to be honest I didn't really a choice other than being with these 3 in here and I quite obviously—piously didn't want to be here

I especially disliked Hermione , she was extremely bossy and made it seem like she did everything better than I when it was quite the opposite ( especially in the fashion department ) being at Hogwarts would allow me to show her what I could do and especially to her.

Ron was a desperate case of awkward flirt , he was cute but not enough for me to date and his awkwardness I imagine would ruin all the magic there might be between us if I was high and crazy enough to date him one day.

Now my brother Harry , the dear Boy who lived I had to make sure that I didn't fall under the degrading title of "Harry Potter's sister" again even though I'm quite enviously adopted , I mean I'm black , the only thing we share is one last name and the overwhelming fortune that our biological parents left us.

I never had to work a day in my life with what my parents left me.

"... our own Defence against the dark arts club , i mean the threat of Voldemort is even more real now that he's back" , my brother said as I instantly got uncomfortable.

He didn't know that I was listening in , to him , i was listening to some Whitney Houston or The Odd Sisters.

"Are you sure that we can discuss this in Aria's presence" , Hermione asked as I still pretended to be busy with my book and music.

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