Enemy By Blood : 5

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Another weekend (today being Friday ), another party , I was still heavily annoyed by my altercation with Riddle this morning , I know that I tend to be a little delusional when it comes to cute boys but , I felt like he was hitting on me and frankly that single thought made me want to barf.

Anyways , it is apparently going to be one hell of a party tonight so I had to find the perfect outfit.

Not because u wanted to look good for Riddle or wreck havoc at his party but just for the simple fact that I wanted to look presentable

I carefully ironed my skirt and steamed my to making sure that there wasn't even a single creased corner or line and laid it down on my bed.

I then headed to lunch and grabbed an apple :

"I guess that's why you're so skinny , huh Aria?", Quinn asked


"Quinn and I have been wondering and we finally got to a conclusion"

I turned around , deciding that I didn't want to listen to anymore of this tomfoolery and she dropped a bomb :

"You starve yourself , I know that they said 5 fruits a day but I don't think that they meant that only"

"Beats being as fat as you are , even if you don't starve yourself , at least invest your mommy's money into something more worthwhile"

"At least I'm not so goddamn insecure to the point where I fucking starve myself..."

"It's called a gym Parkinson ... invest in going to a fucking gym , maybe you'll meet a guy who'll actually like you back there"

"Excuse me..."

"Beats being pined with an unrequited love for Matthéo Riddle doesn't it?"

Her jaw along with everyone else's at their table fell to the ground and I winked at her , biting into my red apple and turning to the Gryffindor table :

"Thanks for the intel Hermione , really pays off in cases like these" , I declared loud enough for the victim to hear

"YOU", Pansy roared going straight for the bookworm while I let them brawl and left the Great Hall.

I sat outside on one of the benches and was down to the last bite on my apple when it was snatched out of my palms and bit into by Matthéo Riddle.

I got up but that was in vain when he dragged my wrist back down

"I know that I'm intimidating but you shouldn't run away so fast yet Sweetheart"

"Believe it or not , I was trying to study for DADA class and you're a big distraction"

"Sorry for being so handsome"

"No , I meant the fact that you're too talkative..."

"Everyone will say otherwise , I only talk to you Sweetheart. Ever been in an unrequited love?"

"I don't know what that is", I replied.

"Really ? Because it seems rather likely that you like me"

"Maybe in your dreams I do , that's not reality though"

He turned to me and asked in a playful tone :

"Why do you hate me so much"

"You're annoying"

"So is that stupid brother of yours yet you smother him with kisses"

"He's not my brother"

He looked at me with inquiry and I sighed , getting up :

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