Enemy By Blood : 3

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Two little bullies laying in the nurse's office , Draco comes to join with a sore elbow and concussion while the two Slytherin whores go talk to the therapist , worried that they might be losing their sex appeal.

Meanwhile , a day before classes start , someone's social status rose from "Harry Potter's little sister" to , "Ari , the girl who made those bitches pay last night"

"Hey Ari , come sit here", said Hermione to which I scoffed but then saw my brother's face and sat next to him.

"I heard that you almost killed someone", said Ron.

"It's was actually 3 but who's counting?", I replied with a chuckle while Harry and Hermione looked at me worriedly. "What is it?", I asked.

"You're already causing trouble...", said the girl with untameable hair as I scoffed , stopping her before she could finish her sentence.

"And how does that impact your life to the point of you worrying about it?", I asked

"Ariana , she's your friend...", said Harry , severely.

"It's Aria , Harry ! And she's not my friend but yours , you live your life and I'll live mine , I'm fucking 16. I don't need you hovering over me all the damn time alright?!", I declared , getting up.

"What's wrong with you ... we were together all summer yet you instantly changed as soon as got here , I thought that we were starting to get closer" , said the nerd , closing the book she'd been reading.

"I would never be friends with you", I declared walking away and turning back for a second , "I have standards"

I with that , I grabbed Lorenzo's glass of water and chugged it down before leaving the Great Hall.

I just wanted to be alone , but it's like no matter what , these halls decided that I must have a companion at all times , wether I hate them or not.

"Why aren't you having breakfast?", Matthéo Riddle asked.

"Why aren't you shutting up and continuing your route"

"I was actually looking for you"

"That's too bad , get out of my way", I replied , as he continued standing straight in front of me and I sighed. "Can you please , get out of the fucking way?"

"Why are you so bitchy , what did we do to deserve that much hate from you?"

I stopped for a second and looked up and for the first time , I didn't have anything to reply.

He got closer to me and I took a step back but he snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me closer , holding my hand too when I tried pushing away.

"Do you perhaps like me , is that why you spared my life?"

"I could ask you the same thing , shouldn't you have started bullying me for wearing red"

"I'm not sure what you mean , I remember quite vividly that Pansy and Quinn were the ones wearing the forbidden colour"

I chuckled and rattled my throat as I lifted up my toes and got closer to his lips.

But , the only thing he received was a kick in the balls.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH", he yelled , getting up and punching me across the face , "I'LL END YOUR FUCKING LIFE , STOP THIS SHIT YOU'RE DOING"

"Make me" , I replied kicking him in the face as he did the same in my stomach.

I may be a girl , but I certainly don't lose fights against boys

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